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#120 : Frères de sang

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En traquant un maître chanteur qui s'en est pris à un millionaire, Angel se retrouve au beau milieu d'une guerre de gangs entre gosses des rues et vampires.

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Angel tracks down a millionaire's blackmailer, but gets caught in the middle of a gang war between street kids and vampires and meets the leader of the vampire hunters, Charles Gunn...

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4 - 8 votes

Titre VO
War Zone

Titre VF
Frères de sang

Première diffusion

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David Straiton

Garry Campbell

Guest stars:
J. August Richards (Charles Gunn)
David Herman (David Nabbitt)
Sean Parhm (Bobby).

David Nabbitt, un milliardaire solitaire et amateur de jeux de rôles, engage Angel pour retrouver Lenny, un homme qui le fait chanter: David Nabbitt a en effet l'habitude de fréquenter une maison de passe spécialisée dans les démones et Lenny a pris des photos.

Pendant ce temps, dans les rues de Los Angeles, la nuit, un groupe de jeunes se bat contre les vampires. Bien organisés mais vivant dans la misère, ils sont conduits par Gunn, un jeune black, et sa sœur Alona.

Angel débarque chez Mme Dorion et sa maison "spécialisée" dans les démones. D'abord mis à la porte (on n'accepte pas les vampires), Mme Dorion finit par lui donner les renseignements qui l'intéressent et lui dire où il peut trouver Lenny, le maître-chanteur.

Plus tard, dans un quartier sordide de Los Angles, Angel lui met la main dessus et le menace de lui faire la peau s'il ne lui donne pas le lendemain les photos de David Nabbitt. Angel ignore que Gunn et sa bande l'observent. Ils ont remarqué qu'il se déplaçait trop vite pour être un humain.

Le lendemain soir, Lenny est au rendez-vous avec les photos, mais il n'est pas venu seul : un démon l'accompagne. Angel s'en débarrasse sans trop de souci, récupère les photos lorsqu'un pieu le transperce, ratant de peu le cœur.

Angel trouve refuge dans une bâtisse mais elle est truffée de pièges. Il réussit à les éviter et se retrouve face à la bande de jeunes chasseurs de vampires. La jeune Alona lui saute dessus mais Angel s'en débarrasse en douceur. L'un des jeunes lui décoche une flèche mais il a mal visé: Angel dévie la flèche pour protéger Alona. Déstabilisés par son attitude, les jeunes repartent en lui disant de ne pas revenir.

A l'agence, Cordelia soigne Angel. Il leur demande à elle et à Wesley d'aller repérer où est la planque des jeunes pendant que lui repère celle des vampires.

Au repère des jeunes, Alona prend la défense d'Angel en expliquant qu'il lui a sauvé la vie et qu'il pourrait peut-être les aider, mais Gunn ne veut rien entendre. Le système de sécurité se déclenche alors qu'on est en plein jour: des grenades lacrymogènes atterrissent dans leur local. Gunn fait sortir tout le monde. Dehors, une camionnette les attend. Les vampires, protégés du soleil par des combinaisons, embarquent Alona et la mordent sous les yeux de Gunn.

Angel a trouvé le repère des vampires et fait parler l'un d'eux. Il se rend ensuite à la planque des jeunes pour les prévenir mais Gunn l'enferme dans une chambre froide. Plus tard, il est libéré par Wesley et Cordelia.

Gunn se rend au repère des vampires. Alona, seule, l'y accueille. Il comprend tout de suite que sa sœur est devenue vampire. Alona lui explique qu'elle aime cette vie, sans conscience ni culpabilité, et elle l'invite à devenir lui aussi vampire. Gunn a mal, mais il n'hésite pas: il lui enfonce un pieu dans le cœur sous les yeux d'Angel qui l'a rejoint.

Les autres arrivent et tiennent Angel en joue. Mais ils sont vite encerclés par le groupe de vampires. Angel s'adresse alors au chef et lui dit de quitter Los Angeles ou il les tue. Cette ville est son territoire, pour eux c'est zone interdite. Le chef ricane et lui dit qu'il ne sait pas à qui il a à faire. Il lui demande qui il est pour lui parler comme ça. "Je m'appelle Angelus", lui répond Angel en lui enfonçant un pieu dans le cœur. Les autres vampires préfèrent éviter la bataille et s'en vont. Gunn empêche ses hommes d'abattre Angel.

(par Emajandra1)

***** Dans une ruelle inconnue. *****

De nuit, une adolescente noire, vraisemblablement effrayée, descend une ruelle dans un quartier mal famé de Los Angeles. Alors qu'elle presse le pas, elle regarde par dessus son épaule régulièrement: elle est suivie par trois vampires. Elle arrive dans une impasse et se tourne vers ses poursuivants. Le bruit d'une voiture en approche se fait entendre derrière les vampires et l'un d'eux se retourne...

Vampire: "

[Plan progressif sur une paire de chaussures noires, un pantalon noir, une épée, un long manteau noir... jusqu'au visage d'un jeune black arborant un bandana noir.]

Gunn: "

Un pick-up transportant de nombreux ados armés se présente derrière l'adolescent des rues, tandis qu'un autre jeune muni d'une arbalète vient se placer à ses côtés.




***** Dans une résidence hollywoodienne. *****

Cordélia, Wesley et Angel arrivent à une superbe fête, dans une maison inconnue.

Cordélia: "
Wesley: "
Cordélia: "
Angel: "
Cordélia: "
Nabbit, se levant: "
Cordélia, lui serrant la main: "
Nabbit: "
Cordélia: "
Angel: "
Nabbit: "
Cordélia: "
Nabbit, tendant sa main à Angel: "
Angel, lui serrant la main: "
Wesley: "
Nabbit: "
Cordelia: "
Nabbit: "
Angel: "
Nabbit: "
Angel: "
Nabbit: "
Angel: "
Nabbit: "
Angel: "
Nabbit: "
Angel: "
Wesley: "
Angel, levant les yeux vers Wesley: "
Nabbit: "
Cordelia: "
Nabbit, gloussant: "
Wesley: "
Nabbit: "

Angel se tourne vers Wesley pour savoir de quoi il s'agit.

Wesley: "
Nabbit: "
Wesley: "
Angel: "
Nabbit: "12... fois !"
Angel: "
Nabbit: "

Angel met la photo d'un homme chauve dans sa veste et se lève.

Angel: "
Nabbit: "
Angel: "
Cordélia: "
Une inconnue, passant à côté du groupe: "
Nabbit: "
Angel: "


***** Dans l'impasse inconnue. *****

Le gang des rues se bat contre les vampires et occasionne de nombreuses pertes dans les rangs adverses. Alors qu'il est sur le point de tuer un des ados, un vampire est transpercé par une espèce de canon à pieux installé sur le pick-up. Un autre, qui se battait contre 5 jeunes, est décapité par Gunn, le leader du groupe. Le gars qui dirige le 'canon à pieux' empale un autre vampire, qui se jetait sur lui. Un vampire brise la nuque d'un des ados et saute à l'arrière du pick-up. Alonna avertit ses amis  au moment où le vampire frappe le tireur pour s'emparer du canon.

Alonna: "Bobby! Bobby!"

Le vampire et Bobby se battent et, alors que ce dernier est sur le point de se faire tuer, Alonna s'attaque au vampire avec sa pique. Gunn arrive en courant et le vampire s'enfuit avec ses congénères. Un des ados les vise avec son arbalète, mais Gunn l'empêche de tirer.

Gunn: "

Alonna essaie de tirer Bobby, qui git la tête baissée sur le côté du pick-up.

Alonna: "Gunn..."

Gunn l'aide et ils déposent Bobby sur le plateau du pick-up.

Gunn, au conducteur: "Go!"

Le pick-up démarre. Après un moment, il s'arrête devant un immeuble désaffecté. Gunn et Alonna y font entrer Bobby, tandis que les autres dissimulent le véhicule sous une bache avant de les suivre à l'intérieur.

Gunn: "
Alonna: "

Ils déposent Bobby sur le sol.

Bobby: "Hey, Gunn."
Gunn: "
Bobby: "
Gunn: "
Bobby: "
Alonna: "

Bobby ne bouge plus.

Gunn: "Plus maintenant. (se levant) James !..."
James: "
Gunn: "


***** Chez Madame Dorion. *****

Angel entre dans l'établissement de Madame Dorion. De nombreuses races de démons-femelles sont assises avec des clients (l'une d'elles ressemble à une des compagnes de Jhiera). Tandis qu'il essaie d'aller plus loin dans la maison, Angel est intercepté par Madame Dorion.

Mme Dorion: "
Angel: "
Mme Dorion: "
Angel, montrant la photo: "
Mme Dorion, guidant Angel vers la sortie: "
Angel: "
Mme Dorion: "
Angel: "
Mme Dorion: "
Angel: "
Mme Dorion: "
Angel: "
Mme Dorion: "Lina!
Lina, passant la main sur le torse d'Angel: "
Mme Dorion: "
Lina: "Vraiment ?

Angel baisse les yeux, pousse un soupir et attrape Lina par sa queue de cheval.

Mme Dorion: "
Angel, brandissant la photo: "

Lina regarde sa patronne, puis Angel.

Lina: "Vampires."


***** Au repaire du gang des rues. *****

Alonna s'acroupit à côté d'un autre type.

Alonna: "

Le type désigne Gunn descendant les escaliers.

Alonna: "Gunn
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "Tout le monde meurt."
Alonna: "
Gunn: "Je fais ce que j'ai à faire."
Alonna: "
Gunn: "Tu crois que j'aime ça ?"
Alonna: "
Gunn: "Tu te trompes."
Alonna: "Je l'espère...
Gunn, lui prenant la main: "Hey...

Il embrasse sa soeur sur le front, avant d'apercevoir deux gars descendre les escaliers.

Gunn: "Yo, Chain! Tu les as trouvés ?"
Chain: "
Gunn: "
Chain: "
Gunn, lui serant la main: "

Un des jeunes se précipite en bas des escaliers, une arbalète à la main.

Le jeune: "
Gunn, à Chain: "
Chain: "
Gunn: "

Ils grimpent tous les escaliers.


***** ????. *****

Lenny s'apprête à monter dans sa voiture lorsqu'Angel surgit derrière lui.

Lenny: "
Angel: "
Lenny: "Quoi ?"
Angel: "
Lenny: "Jamais entendu parler."
Angel: "
Lenny, tapant sur l'épaule d'Angel: "... (Gunn et son gang assistent à la scène, cachés derrière des barrières métalliques)..."
Angel: "tu me montres le tien, (se transformant en vampire) Je te montre le mien. (Attrapant Lenny et le propulsant contre sa voiture) ... (Lenny acquiesse frénétiquement de la tête) ..."

Angel bouscule Lenny une dernière fois. Celui-ci déverrouille rapidement la portière de sa voiture avant de se retourner vers Angel... qui a disparu. Lenny monte dans sa voiture et quitte les lieux.

Chain: "
Gunn, acquiessant: "


***** ?????. *****

Wesley et Cordélia sont debout devant David Nabbit, pendant que celui-ci remplit un chèque.

Nabbit: "
Wesley, étonné: "... (Nabbit approuve tandis que Wesley et Cordy se regardent l'un l'autre) ..."
Cordélia: "
Nabbit: "
Cordélia: "
Wesley: "
Nabbit: "

Il tend le chèque à Wesley, mais Cordélia l'intercepte.

Cordélia: "

Elle regarde le montant du chèque et, sans dire un mot, le montre à Wesley.

Wesley: "
Cordélia: "
Nabbit: "
Wesley: "
Nabbit: "
Cordélia: "
Wesley: "
Cordélia: "
Nabbit: "
Wesley, guidant Cordélia vers la sortie: "
Cordélia: "


***** ?????. *****

Lenny est assis sur le capot de sa voiture, avec une enveloppe kraft dans la main. Il examine les alentours, lorsqu'Angel apparaît soudainement.

Lenny: "
Angel: "
Lenny, brandissant l'enveloppe: "

Un démon à la peau grise surgit à côté d'Angel et le frappe violemment. Angel vole dans les airs sur quelques mètres.

Lenny: "

Angel combat alors le démon d'une force comparable à la sienne.

Lenny: "

Pendant le combat, Angel percute Lenny, lui faisant lacher l'enveloppe. Angel la ramasse, la range dans sa veste, avant de pivoter autour d'un révèrbère. Il continue à lutter avec le démon et finit par lui briser la nuque. Pendant que, au sol, Angel essaie de se remettre de son combat, Lenny s'enfuit. Soudain, un pieu vient se ficher dans l'épaule du vampire. S'en saisissant, Angel se retourne pour voir arriver le gang de Gunn avec son pick-up et son "canon à pieux". Il se relève alors, retire le pieu de son épaule et s'enfuit avec le véhicule à ses trousses.

Gunn: "

Alors qu'il descend la rue en courant, Angel continue de zigzaguer et de renverser des poubelles ou d'autres objets devant le pick-up pour l'obliger à faire des embardées et empêcher le tireur de viser. Il se faufile sous la porte partiellement ouverte d'un entrepôt et se relève pour s'appuyer contre elle, haletant. Les bois de cerf montés sur le pare-choc du véhicule traversent la porte, manquant Angel de peu. Angel se précipite plus loin à l'intérieur de l'entrepôt, heurtant quelques cartons.
En marchant sur une plaque posée au sol, une palette hérissée de pieux tombe du plafond et Angel se roule au sol pour éviter de se faire empaler. Par derrière, un type avec un pieu à la main lui saute dessus. Angel le saisit par le bras et le fait basculer. L'homme tombe au sol, devant le vampire. Alors que le pieu se dirige vers le coeur de l'inconnu, Angel le saisit au vol avant de le laisser retomber au sol et de reprendre sa fuite, sous le regard médusé de l'inconnu.
Angel court à travers un passage piégé et déclenche de nombreuses arbalètes, mais il parvient à éviter toutes les flèches. Le gang l'attaque de tout côté et après avoir repoussé quelques assaillants, Angel s'empare d'Alonna et s'en sert comme bouclier.

Gunn: "Alonna!
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Chain: "

Angel les regarde un petit moment avant de repousser Alonna. Celle-ci tombe sur un fil piégé et une arbalète décoche une flèche dans sa direction. Angel intercepte le projectile avec la paume de la main. Tout le monde le regarde fixement.

Angel: "... (retirant la flèche plantée dans sa main) ..."
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Chain: "
Angel: "
Gunn, baissant son arbalète et se rapprochant: "

Le gang s'en va, tandis qu'Angel se laisse tomber sur le dessus d'un tonneau,  grimaçant de douleur.


***** A l'agence. *****

Wesley examine les photos qu'Angel a récupéré pendant que Cordelia bande l'épaule et le flanc du vampire.

Wesley: "... (S'asseyant sur le bord d'un bureau à côté d'Angel et regardant une des photos) ..."
Angel: "

Wesley tourne la photo et la regarde avec Angel, alors que Cordelia termine ses bandages.

Wesley: "
Cordélia: "
Wesley: "
Angel: "
Cordélia: "

Angel et Wesley la regardent.

Wesley: "
Angel, se levant: "... (Grimaçant, en ôtant sa chemise) ..."
Cordélia: "
Angel: "
Cordélia: "
Angel: "
Wesley: "Combien sont-ils ?"
Angel: "
Cordélia: "
Angel: "
Wesley: "
Cordélia: "
Angel: "
Wesley: "
Angel: "... (grimaçant de douleur, en enfilant sa veste) ... (entrant dans l'ascenseur et se retournant) ..."


***** Au repaire des vampires. *****

Le leader chauve des vampires parle à ses troupes.

Knox: "... (Se tournant vers le vampire qui a échappé à Gunn) Ty, ... (Ty nies de la tête) ... (Frappant Ty sur l'épaule) ... (pulvérisant Ty) ..."


***** Au repaire du gang des rues. *****

Chain: "
Alonna: "
Chain: "
Alonna: "
Chain: "
Gunn: "
Chain: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "


***** Au repaire des vampires. *****

Angel parcourt le repère désert des vampires, un pieu à la main droite. Un vampire est caché sur les tuyaus qui courent au plafond. Le vampire se laisse tomber, mais Angel s'écarte, attrape le vampire puis le projette contre un mur.

Angel: "


***** Au repaire du gang. *****

Alonna se dirige vers Gunn, qui travaille sur une mécanisme étrange.

Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "... (proposant du pain à Gunn) ... (Gunn refuse de la tête) ... (Gunn arrête son travail pour écouter quelque chose) ... (Remarquant que Gunn est distrait) Quoi ?"
Gunn, se levant: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "

Alonna hurle aux autres de sortir pendant que Gunn ramasse une épée et qu'une grenade fumigène atterrit dans la pièce en tombant d'un vasistas.

Gunn: "
Un membre du gang: "
Gunn: "Chain !"
Chain, se postant derrière Gunn: "
Gunn: "
Chain: "
Alonna, aux ados qui gravissent les escaliers: "
Chain: "
Gunn: "Oh mon Dieu !... Alonna !!"

Ils courent après les autres jeunes, dans les escaliers.

Gunn: "Alonna!"

Tandis qu'Alonna saute par dessus une balustrade et atterrit dans la ruelle, une camionnette s'arrête devant elle. Un individu protégé par une combinaison et un masque à gaz jaillit du véhicule et empoigne Alonna.

Gunn: "Alonna!"
Alonna: "

Alonna est entraînée à l'arrière de la camionnette et les portières se referment violemment au moment où Gunn arrive sur les lieux. Alors que le véhicule s'éloigne, Gunn parvient à sauter sur le pare-chocs arrière. Il voit alors deux vampires ligoter sa soeur à l'intérieur de la camionnette. Apercevant Gunn, un des vampires donne un coup de poing à travers la vitre arrière, la brisant et faisant tomber le jeune homme sur la route.


***** Quelque part, dans les environs. *****

Wesley et Cordélia patrouillent dans les environs, avec la décapotable d'Angel.

Cordélia: "... (Wesley arrête la voiture et inspecte le voisinage avec une paire de jumelles) Mmm... !"
Wesley: "
Cordélia: "
Wesley: "
Cordélia, penchée en arrière et les yeux fermés: "
Wesley: "... (Cordélia regarde) ..."
Cordélia: "
Wesley: "Parce que... "


***** Au repaire du gang. *****

Angel attrape un des ados (James) qui monte la garde dans le couloir d'entrée du repaire.

Angel: "

Le gang se prépare à l'affrontement. Angel entre dans la pièce en poussant James devant lui.

Angel: "

Gunn jète un regard à James.

James: "
Gunn, à Angel: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Chain, avec un lance-flammes attaché dans le dos: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "

Gunn tire sur une corde, attachée à la bâche qui masque la fenêtre, et pendant qu'Angel s'abrite de la lumière du soleil, il pousse le vampire dans un vieille chambre froide.

Gunn: "

Il referme la porte en la claquant. Angel y donne des coups, mais celle-ci ne bouge pas.

Gunn, aux autres ados: "


***** Au repaire des vampires. *****

Il fait nuit lorsque le pick-up du gang arrive devant la tanière des vampires.

Gunn: "
Chain: "
Gunn: "

Gunn descend lentement dans le repaire, un pieu à la main. Il s'arrête au milieu d'une grande pièce, en entendant Alonna fredonner une chanson.

Gunn: "Alonna ?"
Alonna: "Hé, grand frère ! (Gunn écrase un sanglot en voyant Alonna) ... ?"
Gunn, se dirigeant vers elle en souriant: "Tu n'es pas... (Examinant son cou intact et fronçant les sourcils) morte ?"
Alonna: "
Gunn: "Non."
Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "

En riant, elle donne un à-coup dans la poitrine de Gunn, qui vole alors dans les airs. De son côté, Angel frappe toujours vainement la porte de sa prison improvisée. Il décide ensuite de s'en prendre au mur à côté de la porte, et après quelques tentatives, il parvient à y faire un trou.

Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "
Gunn: "
Alonna: "... (Gunn déniant de la tête) ... (écartant les bras, tandis que Gunn la regarde) ..."

Angel passe la main à travers l'ouverture, mais il n'arrive pas à atteindre la poignée de la porte. Une main surgit devant ses doigts martyrisés et ouvre la porte de la chambre froide.

Cordélia: "... (Angel s'appuie contre le montant de la porte, regardant Cordélia et Wesley) ..."
Angel: "
Wesley: "

Angel prend son téléphone portable et le regarde.

Angel: "... (mimes punching a hole and grimaces, shaking his hand) ... (s'en allant)."
Cordélia, criant: "Y'a pas de quoi !"
Alonna: "... (Gunn secoue la tête) ..."
Gunn: "
Alonna: "... (Gunn baisse les yeux) ... (Gunn secoue lentement la tête) ... (prenant son apparence de vampire) ..."

Alonna enroule un de ses bras autour du cou de Gunn et s'apprête à le mordre.

Gunn: "

Gunn enfonce le pieu dans la poitrine de sa soeur, qui le regarde avec surprise. Alonna tombe en poussière, révélant ainsi Angel qui se trouvait à quelques pas derrière elle.

Angel: "

La porte située derrière Gunn s'ouvre et le reste du gang se rue dans la pièce... tandis que Gunn lâche le pieu qu'il avait en main.

Chain: "... (apercevant Angel et se dirigeant vers lui) ..."
Gunn, le retenant: "
Chain: "

Les vampires surgissent autour du gang.

Knox: "... (se dirigeant vers Gunn) ..."
Angel: "
Knox, se tournant vers Angel: "
Angel: "

Knox se rapproche en gloussant.

Knox: "
Angel: "
Knox: "
Angel: "... (empalant Knox) ... (regardant les autres vampires) ... ?"

Les vampires se regardent les uns les autres, visiblement mal à l'aise.

Chain: "...? (à Gunn) ..."
Angel: "
Chain: "
Gunn, regardant toujours Angel: "

Il se retourne pour partir. Le gang et les vampires suivent son exemple, chacun leur tour, et quittent les lieux.


***** ?????. *****

Wesley stares at the whipped cream mounded on top of the cup he receives from a street vendor.

Wesley: "... (à Cordélia) ..."
Cordélia: "
Wesley: "
Cordélia: "

Ils s'assoient sur un banc, dans le parc.

Wesley: "
Cordélia: "

Wesley souffle sur son café.

Wesley: "Cordélia."
Cordélia: "
Wesley: "Prostituée."
Cordélia: "Par exemple."
Wesley: "
Cordélia: "


***** ????? *****

Camera zooms up from behind on Gunn, looking out at night time LA. Angel comes up beside him.

Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "
Gunn: "
Angel: "

Au bout d'un moment, Gunn se retourne vers Angel... mais celui-ci a disparu.

A black teenaged girl is walking down an alley in a bad part of town looking scared. She looks over her shoulder from time to time as she speeds up. She is being pursued by three vampires.
She comes to a dead end and turns to face the vampires.
Steps and the sound of a car sound behind the vampires. One of them turns.
Vampire: "You."
Camera pans up from a pair of black shoes, black pants, a sword, long black coat, to the face of a black teenaged boy wearing a black bandana.
Gunn: "You expecting somebody else?"
A pick-up truck with more armed teenagers pulls up behind him and another teenager with a loaded crossbow steps up beside him.

Cordelia, Wesley and Angel walk into a big Hollywood party going on at someone's house.
Cordelia: "Oh, I miss that smell!"
Wesley: "Camembert, I believe."
Cordelia: "What? No - money - I like the smell of a little money once in a while."
Angel: "She's not just saying that. Hide some in the office sometime to watch her. It's uncanny."
Cordelia: "Oh, there he is."
Points to a guy in a plaid shirt, sitting by himself.
Cordelia: "Mr. Nabbit, hi!"
Nabbit gets up: "Hi."
Cordelia as they shake hands: "Hi."
Nabbit: "Glad you could come."
Cordy: "Thanks."
Angel: "Thanks for having us."
Nabbit: "It's a pleasure. - Who are you?"
Cordy: "Oh. I'm Cordelia Chase? We spoke on the phone?"
Nabbit holds out his hand to shake again: "Oh! Right! (They shake again) So - so you - you must be - Angel."
Angel shakes his hand: "Yes. Pleased to meet you. And this is Wesley, my associate."
Wesley: "Lovely party."
Nabbit: "Isn't it nice?"
Cordelia: "Oh my god, is that Welling Harding?"
Nabbit: "I - I - I have no idea. I don't know most of - these people. I - I don't even talk to them. They come to the party. I - I think they have fun. (Offers them some appetizers) These are crab."
Angel: "If this is a bad time we..."
Nabbit: "Oh, uhm, Miss Chase said that you could - only meet at night."
Angel: "Yeah, it's more convenient..."
Nabbit: "And - and that we'd be less conspicuous during the party. (Angel looks at Cordy and she gives him a big grin and shrug before turning away) I mean, I think it's good! We probably won't be interrupted. - Well, I-I've always said that I would make a billion dollars in the Software market and, uh, learn to talk to girls. - Still working on step two."
Angel: "So, why don't you tell us about your case?"
Nabbit: "Oh. (They sit down on the sofa) Ah, my case. - It, uh, somewhat has to do with - black - mail."
Angel: "Go on."
Nabbit: "Are you familiar with Dungeons and Dragons?"
Angel: "Yeah. I've seen a few."
Wesley: "You mean the - ah, role playing game."
Angel looks up at Wesley: "Oh - game. - Right."
Nabbit: "Well, I used to play a lot in High School. You know, it was pretty cool. You get to be someone else for a while, a wizard, a warrior, you know, the whole world is magic, and fighting Troglodytes and romancing exotic - demon princesses and - you know, it's a rush!"
Cordelia: "Did someone find out you were a big nerd?"
Nabbit chuckling: "No that's - ah, that's actually public record. But - ah - some of us got *really* into it. Uh - specially the demon romance part. And then we heard about this place - where - the real... The guys were joking about getting some tail."
Wesley: "You went to Madam Dorion's."
Nabbit: "J-j-just once."
Angel looks up at Wesley.
Wesley: "It's a demon brothel."
Nabbit: "Or twice."
Wesley: "In Bel Air, I believe. The Watchers Council is *ripe* with stories about it."
Angel: "Ah - and how many..."
Nabbit: "Twelve - times."
Angel: "...people knew about you going?"
Nabbit: "Oh - ah, just my-my friends, but ah - (hands Angel a picture) but my security guys already identified the guy with the - pictures. That's Lenny Edwards but - I just can't find him."
Angel puts the picture of a smoking bald guy in jacket and gets up.
Angel: "Well, we'll see if we can do better."
Nabbit: "If - if my stockholders see these pictures..."
Angel: "They won't."
Cordy: "Don't worry. We are incredibly discreet. We'll - ah mingle here for a few hours, so no one suspects."
Girl as she walks by: "Hey, David."
Nabbit: "Oh, hey. Nice-nice seeing you again. Yeah. (Shrugs to the guys) I have no idea. - When I moved to LA I thought it was all glamour and valet parking - but there is a *whole* world here that no one ever sees."
Angel: "More than one."

Back in that dead end alley the group of teens are fighting the vampires, and actually doing some damage by the stint of sheer numbers and co-operation. One vamp gets nailed by a stake gun mounted on the pick-up truck as he is about to kill one of the boys. Another one, fighting against five teens, gets beheaded by Gunn. The guy with the stake gun nails another vamp that is lunges at him in mid air, then starts kicking the gun (jammed?). A vamp breaks one of the boys necks then runs, while a fifth gets staked behind him.
The vamp jumps on the truck and kicks the gunner as Alonna yells a warning.
Alonna: "Bobby! Bobby!"
The vamp and Bobby fight, as the vamp is about to kill the boy Alonna attacks him with her pike. Gunn comes running, too, and the vamp takes off, with others (not sure if they are vamps or teens) running after.
One of the teens aims a crossbow after them, but Gunn pushes it down.
Gunn: "No, no, no. (points after the vamp) Dog him."
Alonna is trying to lift Bobby, who is hanging head down over the side of the truck.
Alonna: "Gunn, come on. Come on."
Gunn helps her and they get Bobby into the bed of the truck.
Gunn to the driver: "Go!"
Truck drives off.

They stop in front of a deserted building. Alonna and Gunn help Bobby inside while the others cover the truck with a tarp then follow.
Gunn: "Alright. Here you go. I got you. Alright, you're gonna make it, man. Come on - two more. Easy - easy."
Alonna: "Right down here."
They ease Bobby to the ground.
Bobby: "Hey, Gunn."
Gunn: "Right here man."
Bobby: "He picked me up like I was a baby."
Gunn: "He's dust, Bobby, forget about him."
Bobby: "I'm not a baby."
Alonna: "He needs a doctor."
Bobby stops moving.
Gunn: "Not any more."
Gunn gets up: "James - how are we fixed for tonight?"
James: "Beck and me lifted some canned stuff. Wasn't much in the bins behind Mel's - and we got that (motions towards three other teens) I told them we don't take squatters."
Gunn: "Everybody eats."

Angel is walking in to Madam Dorion's. There are all types of demon girls sitting with customers (one of them looks like one of Jhiera's girls).
Madam Dorion intercepts Angel as he walks deeper into the establishment.
Madam: "We don't do vampires. Sorry."
Angel: "I just came to talk."
Madam: "We don't do that either."
Angel shows her the picture: "His name is Lenny Edwards. You know him?"
Madam leading Angel towards the exit: "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."
Angel: "You're discreet. That's good."
Madam: "Essential in my line of work."
Angel: "How discreet would you say it is for one of your clients to be secretly photographed here - and then blackmailed?"
Madam: What?"
Angel: "Bad for business, I guess. You tell me where I can find Lenny Edwards and maybe I just might stop this before word hits the street."
Madam: "Who is the girl?"
Angel: "I don't know. But the clients name is David Nabbit."
Madam: "Lina! (A girl with quills for hair comes over) Talk to Lina."
Lina runs a hand over Angel's chest: "Oh, he's a pretty one."
Madam: "He's a vampire, Lina."
Lina: "Really? Well, we can make an exception. Just don't do - that face thing, and we'll get along great. (She turns around to face Madam Dorian holding up her hands) Look, ma, no hands!"
Angel looks down, lets out a breath and catches the girls tail in one hand.
Madam: "That's not why he's here, Lina."
Angel sighs and holds out the picture: "I'm looking for him? (Lina sighs) - I think your boss here would like you to co-operate."
Lina looks at her boss then back at Angel.
Lina: "Vampires."

The kids hideout. Alonna crouches down beside a guy.
Alonna: "See my brother?"
Guy points to where Gunn is coming down the stairs.
Alonna: "Gunn, we need to talk."
Gunn: "Yeah, what of?"
Alonna: "What happened to Bobby..."
Gunn: "No! No. We don't talk about that. That's done."
Alonna: "We're dying here, Gunn."
Gunn: "Everybody dies. I'm just trying to make sure that when we die, we stay dead."
Alonna: "It shouldn't have gone down the way it did. You're getting reckless."
Gunn: "I do what I got to do."
Alonna: "No, you do more than you got to do. Three weeks, G. Three weeks and no teeth and you had to ring the dinner bell like that? You just couldn't go another day without getting a little death in, could you?"
Gunn: "You think I like this?"
Alonna: "No, I think you love it. And you won't quit until you get as close to death as you possibly can."
Gunn: "You're wrong."
Alonna: "I hope so. - Because I don't want to lose you, too."
Gunn takes her hand: "Hey. That's not gonna happen little sister. - All right? It's never gonna happen."
Kisses her on the forehead.
Gunn sees two guys come down the stairs.
Gunn: "Yo, Chain! You found them?"
Chain: "Dead boy led me right to its nest. It's close - practically right around the corner."
Gunn: "Nice."
Chain: "Four blocks - right next to the old Blue Jean factory."
Gunn shakes his hand: "All right. Cool. Now we got a chance to do some real damage."
Guy hurries down the stairs, loaded crossbow in hand.
Guy: "Incoming! Moving this way fast. Jumping roof top to roof top."
Gunn to Chain: "You were followed?"
Chain: "No way."
Gunn: "Let's check it out."
They all head up the stairs.

Lenny is about to get in his car when Angel comes up behind him.
Lenny: "What do you want?"
Angel: "Big question. What do I want? (Thinks) Love - family - a place on this planet I can call my own - but you know what?"
Lenny: "What?"
Angel: "I'm never going to have any of those things. - And unless these next few minutes go exactly the way I want them to, neither are you. - Where are the pictures of David Nabbit?"
Lenny: "Never heard of him."
Angel: "Oh-ho, you only get one lie. I probably should have mentioned that first."
Lenny pats Angel on the shoulder: "Look, pal, you obviously not form around here. (Gunn and his gang come up to watch from behind some iron bars) But trust me - you do *not* want to see my bad side."
Angel: "You show me yours (vamps out) I show you mine. (Grabs Lenny and pushes him up against the car) Okay, so now I'm from around here. In fact, I'm moving in. Taking over, you understand me? I will dog you every night for the rest of your very short life until you bring me what I want. Are we clear? (Lenny nods frantically) Yeah. See you tomorrow."
Angel gives Lenny a last shove. Lenny turns to unlock his car door, then looks back. Angel is gone.
Lenny gets in the car and drives off.
Chain: "Vampire is moving in, huh?"
Gunn nods: "Yeah. Well, he ain't gonna stay too long."

Wesley and Cordelia are standing in front of David Nabbit while he writes out a check.
Nabbit: "Ah. This should take care of your expenses to date. I want you to know I really appreciate what you did at the party."
Wesley: "At the party? (Nabbit nods and Wesley and Cordy look at each other) What we did at the party?"
Cordy: "It was a wonderful party."
Nabbit: "We talked. We had some good times. It meant a lot to me."
Cordy: "Oh."
Wesley: "Yes, but - you were paying us to be there."
Nabbit: "I do that all the time. But you guys actually hung with me. It was - it was special."
He holds the check out to Wesley, but Cordy grabs it.
Cordy: "I'm in charge of the..."
She sees the amount of the check and, speechless, shows it to Wesley.
Wesley: "Good Lord. I think there must be some mistake."
Cordy: "I'm sure Mr. Nabbit knows how to write a check."
Nabbit: "No, there is no mistake. I just - believe in rewarding good work."
Wesley: "This is amazingly generous, Mr. Nabbit, but - we are really not finished with the job."
Nabbit: "It's only money, and I got sack-fulls, and it's - it's David. You guys call me David, okay?"
Cordy: "I like David. It's such a - strong, masculine name. (Nabbit grins at her) It just feels - good in your mouth."
Wesley: "Well, - David, you won't be disappointed. We'll earn every cent of your generous confidence in our firm."
Cordy: "Bye."
Nabbit: "Bye."
Wesley as he leads Cordy out: "Feels good in your mouth?"
Cordy: "I was flustered!"

Lenny is sitting on the hood of his car holding a brown manila envelope in his hands, looking around. Suddenly Angel is there.
Lenny: "You're a sneaky son of a bitch, aren't you?"
Angel: "You brought the photographs?"
Lenny holds up the envelope: "Of course I brought them - and a little something extra."
A gray skinned demon appears next to Angel and hits him hard enough that he flies a few feet backwards through the air.
Lenny: "Love that."
Angel and the demon fight. The demon is at least as strong as Angel.
Lenny: "What ever he's paying you isn't enough, is it, big fellow?"
During the fight Angel crashes into Lenny, making him drop the envelope. Angel picks it up and puts it inside his coat, then swings around a lamp post and continues to fight the demon. At the end he manages to break the demon's neck. While Angel catches himself on the ground, coughing, trying to recover from the fight, Lenny runs off.
A stake impales Angel through his left shoulder, poking out the front. Grabbing a hold of it Angel looks back to see Gunn's gang with their pick-up truck and stake gun. He gets up, pulling out the stake and runs with the truck in close pursuit.
Gunn: "Get him!"
Angel keeps zigzagging and tossing trashcans and other stuff in front of the truck to make it swerve and mess up the gunner aim as he runs down the street.
He rolls underneath a partially open warehouse door and gets up to lean against it, panting. The wooden rams mounted on the hood of the truck come through the door, just missing him. Angel runs deeper into the warehouse stumbling against some boxes. He steps on a plate on the floor. A pallet with stakes mounted to the bottom drops from the ceiling and Angel rolls to avoid getting impaled.
A guy with a stake in hand jumps him from behind. Angel grabs his up raised hands and after a short struggle tosses him over his head onto the floor in front of him. The guy sees the stake coming for his own heart and freezes in fear. Angel takes a breath, drops the stake and runs on, the guy staring after him in surprise.
Angel runs through a trip wire and triggers some crossbows as he runs down a hallway but Angel manages to dodge the quarrels. The gang attacks him from all sides and after tossing a couple around Angel grabs a hold of Alonna and uses her as a shield.
Gunn: "Alonna! - Don't shoot."
Angel: "What are you people playing at?"
Gunn: "We're not playing."
Angel: "You're gonna get yourselves killed."
Gunn: "We're gonna get *you* killed first!"
Chain: "Let's dust him."
Angel looks at them for a moment then tosses Alonna aside. Alonna falls into a trip-cord and a crossbow goes off. Angel reaches out and intercepts the quarrel headed for Alonna with the palm of his hand.
Everybody stares.
Angel: "Ow! - You know, for some reason I'm getting the impression you don't like me too much! (Pulls the quarrel out of his hand) Maybe I'm just over-reacting."
Gunn: "What? You're gonna pretend that you're different from the rest of them?"
Angel: "Yeah. And then I just pretend that I just saved her life. - You put a lot of work into this. Some clever stuff really. I'm impressed - but I have a few suggestions."
Gunn: "I don't think we're interested."
Angel: "Yeah. You should be. Who do you think that would have killed? We are fighting on the same side."
Chain: "The same side of what?"
Angel: "I didn't come here to kill you."
Gunn lowers his crossbow and steps closer: "It don't matter why you're here, or what you are. If you ever show your face down here again, don't count on any long good-byes."
The gang leaves and Angel sinks down on top of a barrel, wincing from the pain in his side.

Wesley is taking the pictures the Angel recovered over to where Cordy is bandaging Angel's shoulder and middle.
Wesley: "That's very nice work. I'm sure Nabbit will be greatly relieved to get these back. (Sits down next to Angel on the edge of the desk, looking at one of the pictures) Oh my."
Angel: "It's upside down."
Wesley turns the picture around and they both look at it as Cordy puts the last piece of tape in place.
Wesley: "Certainly not something one would want framed."
Cordy: "How does it feel?"
Wesley: "I can't possibly imagine it's pleasant."
Angel: "Ew."
Cordy: "I'm talking to Angel."
Angel and Wesley look at her.
Wesley: "Oh, right. Sorry."
Angel gets up: "It feels (Winces as he pulls on his shirt) it feels better."
Cordy: "You should rest. You look like..."
Angel: "Like I've been beaten and stabbed?"
Cordy: "Want to see the check again?"
Angel: "I want to find those kids. I don't think any of them have homes. They're probably living together somewhere."
Wesley: "How many are there?"
Angel: "I'm not sure. 6, 7, maybe more? A couple of them couldn't have been more than 16."
Cordy: "God. 20 minutes ride from billionaires and crab puffs - kids going to war."
Angel: "This isn't something they just started doing. I mean, they were ready. They've been pushed to this."
Wesley: "In which case I can certainly understand their - stake first and ask questions later state of mind. It's how they survive."
Cordy: "And the idea of a - vampire in a white hat probably seems a little - give me a breaky?"
Angel: "They're in over their heads. They're going to get themselves killed. If they're hunting vampires there has to be a nest in the area. Wesley, I want you to find out where those kids live."
Wesley: "Consider it done."
Angel: "I'm gonna find that nest - before they do. - It'll have to be close - probably in a 10 block area (winces in pain as he pulls on his coat) and it'll have to be a building with sewer access. (Steps into the elevator, still clearly hurting. Turns back) Can I just see that check again?"

Cut to the vampire nest and their balding lead-vamp talking.
Knox: "Street trash - that's what they are. Just stupid, human street trash. For 70 years we ruled this neighborhood. It was our neighborhood. Used to be decent people lived here - working people. And now? - You can't even finish one without wanting to puke! - And whose fault is it? Hmm? Theirs? - I don't think so. - It's our fault. We let this happen. We got lazy. We dropped our guard. (Turns to the vamp that ran from Gunn's gang) Ty, you've been lured into an ambush before? (Ty shakes his head) Of course not. - Ty has been around for almost as long as me. He's survived, like me, because he's smart. (Claps Ty on the shoulder) But they did this to him - and that means that they could do it to any-one of us. And why? Because this street trash (pulls out a stake) ain't afraid to go for the heart. (Dusts Ty) And now that's what we're gonna do. No more picking them off one by one. We concentrate on the heart. Take the heart and the rest will fall."

Cut to the kids hide-out.
Chain: "I don't want to hear this."
Alonna: "I'm saying he could be useful."
Chain: "Gunn, don't even listen to her."
Alonna: "You know there is something different about him. I'm just saying, he knows stuff that we don't and he didn't have to do what he did."
Chain: "And if he hadn't, he would have been dead."
Gunn: "Maybe."
Chain: "No maybe. We would have killed him."
Gunn: "The guy bugs me, Alonna.'
Alonna: "Everybody bugs you."
Gunn: "You bug me the most."
Alonna: "What? - I'm trying to keep you alive. I'm not saying, trust him."
Gunn: "It just don't play. I mean, if he's not looking to kill, what's he want? And why the hell would he come to a place like this?"

Angel is walking into the deserted vampire nest, carrying a stake in his right hand. There is a vampire hiding on the pipes running along the ceiling.
The vampire drops down, but Angel just casually steps to one side then pulls the vamp up off the floor and slams him against the wall.
Angel: "Where are they?"

Alonna is walking up to Gunn, who is working on some type of machinery.
Alonna: "Hey. I got some food."
Gunn: "I'm not hungry."
Alonna: "Not hungry? When's the last time you ate?"
Gunn: "Oh, seems like just yesterday."
Alonna: "Well, Poe went to the market."
Gunn: "Alone?"
Alonna: "No, Jason had his back. They got away clean."
Gunn: "Oh, yeah, like last time?"
Alonna: "No, no cops this time, no chase. (Offers him some bread) Come on, you eat this. (Gunn shakes his head) Well, they got some other stuff. They got - ah, hamburger, and some apples and lots of other stuff. (Gunn stops working to listen to something) Looks like we're gonna have a home cooked meal tonight. (Notices Gunn's attention is off her) What?"
Gunn gets up: "Get everybody out."
Alonna: "What is it?"
Gunn: "Just do it! Now!"
Alonna starts to yell at the others to get going as Gunn picks up a sword and a smoke grenade flies through a narrow window under the ceiling.
Gunn: "Get everybody outside - into the daylight. Do it."
Guy: "They are coming in? Don’t they have to be invited?"
Gunn: "Chain!"
Chain comes to stand beside him: "Cops?"
Gunn: "I don't know."
Chain: "Are they in? - Where are they?"
Alonna to the kids running up the stairs: "Go! Go! Go!"
Chain: "I don't see nothing. - There is nothing."
Gunn: "Oh god. - Alonna!"
They run up the stairs after the others.
Gunn: "Alonna!"
As Alonna drops over the railing to the floor of the alley a van pulls up. A heavily swaddled guy wearing a gas mask jumps out and grabs her.
Gunn: "Alonna!"
Alonna: "No! Help! Help! No. Gunn!"
Alonna is dragged into the back of the van and the doors slammed shut just as Gunn gets there. He runs after the van as it drives off and jumps onto the back bumper.
He gets a view of two vampires snacking on his screaming sister in the back of the van. One of the vamps looks up and puts his fist through the back window, knocking Gunn of the van.

Wesley and Cordelia are cruising the neighborhood in Angel's convertible.
Cordy: "You know - there is nothing like riding in a convertible - with the top down to make you see the sun and the sand (Wesley stops the car and scans the area through a pair of binoculars) Mmm - smell that salt air!"
Wesley: "That's not salt."
Cordy: "I don't think it's *air* either, - but reality is a choice, Wesley. You see what you wanna see and I see what I wanna see."
Wesley: "A man exiting an alley pushing a shopping cart."
Cordy leaning back with her eyes closed: "No - I see a very tan life-guard type with large..."
Wesley: "No, over there. (Cordy looks) These kids must have got electricity into their building. They might have tapped into one of the power lines and run it illegally. If I could spot the tap, that would tell us where their hide-out is. You go ask this gentleman if he's seen anyone that fits the description of our young vampire killers, while I check the power line for any taps."
Cordy: "Uh, why don't you ask him and I check for taps?"
Wesley: "Because - you can imagine him as a scantily clad, buff, young stud, while I am stuck with the naked truth."

Angel grabs one of the kids on guard (James) in a hallway to their hideout.
Angel: "Ask me in."

The gang is gearing up for a fight. Angel comes in pushing James into the room in front of him.
Angel: "You are going to get a lot of people killed.'
Gunn looks at the kid that was on guard.
James: "I suck, okay?"
Gunn to Angel: "You don't want to be here."
Angel: "Going after them is what they expect you to do."
Gunn: "I don't need advice from some middle- class white dude, that's dead! You don't know what my life is. You have no idea what it's like down here."
Angel: "Some of you will die, maybe all of you."
Chain with a flame-thrower strapped to his back: "People die all the time - some just for talking too much."
Gunn: "We're done."
Angel: "Look, I can help you. Unless, of course, death is what you’re after - then you're on your own."
Gunn: "I'm always on my own."
Angel: "It doesn't have to be that way. Why can't we do this together?"
Gunn pulls a rope attached to the tarp covering the window, and while Angel shies away from the direct sunlight he pushes Angel into an old meat locker.
Gunn: "You figure it out."
He slams the door shut. Angel bangs against it but it doesn't budge.
Gunn to the other kids: "Let's go."

It's dark by the time the truck pulls up in front of the vampire nest.
Gunn: "Hold up. Give me 10 minutes to check it out."
Chain: "What if you're not back in 10?"
Gunn: "Come on down and kill anything that moves."

Gunn slowly walks down into the lair, stake held in his right hand.
He stops in the middle of a big room as he hears Alonna humming.
Gunn: "Alonna?"
Alonna: "Hey, big brother. (Gunn lets out a relieved sigh as Alonna comes out) What took you so long?"
Gunn walks up to her smiling: "You're not... (Stares at her unblemished neck and starts to frown) dead."
Alonna: "Well..."
Gunn shakes his head: "No."
Alonna: "Shh! Don't be sad. - I'm not."
Gunn: "They killed you."
Alonna: "Do I look dead to you? - I am stronger, faster and better than ever. - Wanna see?"
Laughs as she pushes against his chest sending him sailing through the air.

Angel is still banging in vain against the door of the meat locker. He switches to the wall beside the door and after a while manages to punch a hole in it.

Alonna: "We were on the right track - just on the wrong team. All that rage and hatred we got? We get to keep all that, only on this side there is no guilt, no grief - just the hunt and the kill - and the fun! And come on, how often did we go out in the daylight anyway?"
Gunn: "Alonna, I can't do this!"
Alonna: "You were made for this. - Oh, and all that misery and moping gone, I promise you."
Gunn: "I was never gonna let anything happen to you. I was supposed to protect you. You were my sister."
Alonna: "I still am. (Gunn shakes his head) So why don't you kill me? - Why *don't* you? (Spread her arms wide - Gunn just looks at her) Ah! *You* can't! Because you got the guilt - and I got the greatest guilt cure ever. I can free you! We can be together - our family can stay together - forever.”

Angel sticks his hand through the hole but can't reach the handle. A hand reaches past his bruised and bleeding knuckles and opens the door.
Cordy: "Trying to open that? (Angel leans against the doorjamb, looking at Cordy and Wesley) They locked you in, huh?"
Angel: "No. I just love old meat lockers."
Wesley: "You should've tried to call us on your cell phone. - You probably forgot you had it."
Angel takes his cell phone out and looks at it.
Angel: "These things hardly ever work. Besides it was a lot easier and quicker to just (mimes punching a hole and grimaces, shaking his hand) - Look, I'm the boss here, I say when we use the cell phones and people are gonna die and - I have to go."
Cordy yells after him: "You're welcome!"

Alonna: "Remember when we were kids - in that shelter on Plummer Street, hmm? (Gunn nods) Second floor was all rotted out. - You used to dare kids to cross, and of *course* you were the best at it, because you were the - you were the bravest. I wanted to be like you so bad, so I went up, and the floor gave out. I would have broken my neck, but - you'd been watching me the whole time. You were standing right below - and you caught me. - Ever since I can remember you've been looking out for me. - But you don't have to any more, because I'm good, and it's my turn to look out for you now."
Gunn: "How?"
Alonna: "Look at you. You're running and hiding, cold and hungry. You call that living? (Gunn looks down) You're the one that's falling now. Let me catch you. - Don’t you want to stop falling? (Gunn nods slightly) I'm gonna fix it. (Morphs into her vamp-face) Oh, say goodbye to everything you ever knew."
She wraps one arm around his neck and stretches up to bite him.
Gunn: "Good-bye."
He pushes the stake into her chest as she stares at him shaking her head. The dust settles to reveal Angel standing a little ways away.
Angel: "Let's get out of here."
The door behind Gunn opens and the rest of the gang charges in as Gunn lets the stake drop from his hand.
Chain: "Dude! What are you waiting on? (Sees Angel and moves towards him) How did he get out?"
Gunn holds him back: "Yo, don't. We're leaving."
Chain: "Leaving?"
Vampires step out all around them.
Knox: "I don't think so. - She was so sweet (steps up to Gunn) your sister - so smooth going down, if you know what I mean. - You wanted a war? Well, this is it."
Angel: "Here is the deal: you can go.'
Knox turns to stare at Angel: "What?"
Angel: "*If* you go now - and I don't ever see any of you again, you get to live."
Knox chuckles and walks towards Angel: "Are you high?"
Angel: "LA is my territory, you want to stay out of it for the rest of your eternal lives. These kids, my town, off limits form now on."
Knox: "Who the hell are you? You know who you're talking to, you fool?"
Angel: "The name's Angelus. (Stakes Knox) And I wasn't actually talking to you. (Looks at the other vamps) So - do we have a truce? Or do you wanna die?"
The vamps look at each other shifting uncomfortably.
Chain: "Truce? (To Gunn) We can take them."
Angel: "Not without them taking a couple of you."
Chain: "Gunn, you came all this way, you're not gonna kill any vamps?"
Gunn, still looking at Angel: "I already did."
He turns to go and the gang and the vamps one by one follow his example and just leave.

Wesley stares at the whipped cream mounded on top of the cup he receives from a street vendor.
Wesley: "I asked for a coffee. I know it must be in here someplace. (To Cordy) Are you alright? You haven't said two words since we left the office."
Cordy: "Oh, I was just thinking about those kids."
Wesley: "Yes. That place was pretty awful."
Cordy: "And I thought my first apartment was bad. Can you believe people actually live there?"
They sit down on a park bench.
Wesley: "Well, it certainly gives one a sense of perspective, doesn't it?"
Cordy: "Yes, it does. - And I think, prespectively speaking, I might want to - prostitute myself to billionaire David Nabbit."
Wesley chokes on his coffee.
Wesley: "Cordelia."
Cordy: "What I mean is - he's a nice guy who wants companionship. I could use some security. So when I say 'prostitute' what I mean is.."
Wesley: "Prostitute."
Cordy: "For instance."
Wesley: "Do you think you really could?"
Cordy: "I don't know. - I could probably learn to love him. Looks aren't everything - or chemistry - personality, that's important. And except for a lot of other - It's not what's on the outside that - Yeah. Never mind. - I'm *fine* here. - Poor - alone."

Camera zooms up from behind on Gunn, looking out at night time LA. Angel comes up beside him.
Gunn: "What are you doing here?"
Angel: "Skulking - professionally."
Gunn: "Look, I'm glad for what you did, okay? But I don't need no Guardian Angel, and I don't need no talking to. It's not gonna change the way things are down here, man. They're gonna keep coming, and we're gonna keep fighting."
Angel: "I know."
Gunn: "That's it? You ain't gonna talk *at* me, - be all daddy-figure?"
Angel: "What am I gonna tell you - that you haven't already learned?"
Gunn: "I killed her."
Angel: "You didn't."
Gunn: "Near enough. - She was the reason, man. - How come you do it? How come you're out here?"
Angel: "What else are we gonna do? - I'll be around."
Gunn: "I don't need no help."
Angel: "I might."
After a moment Gunn looks over at Angel, but he's gone.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 111 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

16.06.2022 vers 23h

24.04.2022 vers 20h

27.09.2021 vers 20h

31.08.2021 vers 09h

07.04.2021 vers 12h

19.02.2021 vers 18h

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