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#122 : Le manuscrit

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Wolfram & Hart fait appel au démon Vocah pour s'en prendre aux proches d'Angel. Après s'être débarrassé de Cordelia, de Wesley et des Oracles, Vocah parvient à récupérer le manuscrit d'Abergian et compte bien s'en servir pour invoquer une créature capable de venir à bout d'Angel...

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Angel faces a wild demon who is summoned by Wolfram & Hart to wreak havoc and raise a powerful force to strike down Angel and destroy those close to him...

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A noter: Dernière apparition des Oracles.


4.29 - 7 votes

Titre VO
To Shanshu in LA.

Titre VF
Le manuscrit

Première diffusion

Plus de détails

David Greenwalt

David Greenwalt

Guest stars:
Todd Starshwick (Vocah)
Christian Kane (Lindsey McDonald)
Stephanie Romanov (Lilah Morgan)
Sam Anderson (Holland Manners)
Elisabeth Röhm (Kate Lockley)
Carey Cannon (Femme Oracle)
Randall Slavin (Homme Oracle)
David Herman (David Nabbitt).

A l'agence, Wesley a fini de traduire le manuscrit d'Abergian: il annonce que le vampire qui a une âme va "shanshu". Wesley n'arrive pas à traduire ce mot mais il pressent qu'il est essentiel pour Angel. Cordelia amène la presse du matin: on y annonce que Lindsey McDonald a été promu associé chez Wolfram&Hart. Cordelia et Wesley sont déçus, Angel lui n'est pas vraiment surpris. Wesley, toujours préoccupé par sa traduction, finit par comprendre le sens du mot "shanshu" : il signifie "la mort". Cordelia et Wesley sont inquiets mais Angel ne bronche pas, totalement indifférent à cette annonce.

La nuit, chez Wolfram&Hart, Lindsey, Lilah Morgan et Holland Manners accueillent un nouveau démon: Vocah. Il est furieux d'apprendre qu'Angel est en possession du parchemin et leur annonce qu'il va le récupérer.

Le lendemain, à l'agence, Cordelia et Wesley discutent des prophéties qui concernent Angel. Wesley est inquiet de l'indifférence d'Angel. Il lui explique que si Angel n'a pas peur de mourir, c'est qu'il ne désire rien, qu'il n'est pas vraiment dans ce monde, qu'il ne tient pas à la vie. Cordelia décide que, désormais, Angel va avoir des désirs.

Il fait un beau soleil sur Los Angeles et Cordelia fouine, à la recherche de quelque chose qui ferait plaisir à Angel. Elle tombe sur un étal de matériel pour le dessin. Elle en fait une large provision pour Angel. A ce moment, Vocah la frôle sans que personne ne soit en mesure de le voir, pas même Cordélia. Elle a subitement une vision, puis une autre, et encore une ... Elle s'écroule en hurlant.

Wesley est parti à la recherche d'informations sur le manuscrit et Angel range le parchemin dans l'armoire où il garde ses armes. Il croit apercevoir une ombre au moment où le téléphone sonne: c'est l'hôpital qui lui annonce que Cordelia va mal. Angel part en trombe. Vocah s'approche de l'armoire et récupère le parchemin, le remplaçant par quelque chose.

A l'hôpital, Cordelia continue de hurler et les médecins de peuvent rien faire.

Les Oracles reçoivent la visite de Vocah. Ils sont scandalisés: les soldats de l'Enfer ne peuvent les interpeller. Ils veulent que Vocah parte mais ce dernier les tue avec sa faucille.

Wesley revient à l'agence avec ses livres. Voulant vérifier que le parchemin est bien là où Angel l'a dit, il ouvre l'armoire. Il s'écarte brusquement. Angel se gare devant chez lui et descend de voiture lorsque le bâtiment explose. Il part dans les décombres à la recherche de Wesley et le trouve, toujours en vie.

Plus tard, une ambulance a emmené Wesley et Kate a été appelé sur les lieux de l'explosion. Elle n'est pas aimable avec Angel - elle lui en veut d'être un vampire alors que c'est sa race qui a tué son père - et lui annonce qu'elle veut l'interroger sur l'explosion. Mais cette fois-ci, Angel n'est pas d'humeur. Il lui dit qu'il est désolé pour son père mais qu'elle ne peut pas le rendre, lui, responsable de tout: c'est trop facile. "Si tu cherches un ennemi, choisis-moi", lui dit-il, avant de lui tourner le dos et de la planter là.

Angel est retourné à l'hôpital, au chevet de Wesley et de Cordelia. Il découvre un tatouage sur la main de la jeune femme, toujours en proie au délire. Il repart. Angel demande audience aux Oracles et découvre leurs corps. Mais l'oracle féminin a encore la force d'apparaître sous les traits d'un fantôme. Elle explique à Angel que Vocah veut détruire son lien avec les Puissances Supérieures: Cordelia. Il a ouvert son esprit à tous les martyrs de la terre. Pour la sauver, Angel a besoin du parchemin. Il peut trouver Vocah : il se cache derrière la loi !

Lilah, Holland et Lindsey se rendent à un rituel occulte. Angel les suit. Arrivés dans un temple, les trois avocats de Wolfram&Hart assistent à une étrange cérémonie: 5 vampires sont enchaînés à une caisse. Vocah commence une incantation puis s'arrête, sentant la présence d'Angel. Ce dernier fracasse la fenêtre et commence à se battre contre Vocah. Lindsey prend alors le parchemin et termine l'incantation. Les 5 vampires se mettent à tourner autour de la caisse avant de se désintégrer, propulsant Lindsey inconscient contre le mur. Holland fait signe d'emporter la caisse tandis qu'Angel et Vocah se battent toujours. Angel finit par tuer le démon avec sa faucille. Lindsey s'est redressé et a récupéré le parchemin. Angel lui annonce qu'il le veut. Lindsey lui dit qu'il n'arrivera pas à sauver son amie ; il tend le parchemin au-dessus de la flamme d'un brasero. Angel lance alors la faucille en direction de Lindsey, lui tranchant net le poignet, et récupère le parchemin.

A l'hôpital, Welsey, mal en point, lit l'incantation qui doit délivrer Cordelia. Un éclair jaillit et la jeune femme, est enfin libérée de ses visions. Angel ne cache pas son émotion de la voir à nouveau à ses côtés. Bouleversée, Cordelia lui dit qu'elle a vu tant de souffrances. Angel lui promet qu'ils vont aider ceux qui souffrent.

Plusieurs jours après, chez Cordelia, Wesley travaille toujours à la traduction du manuscrit. Cordelia fait la cuisine: elle prépare des sandwiches pour Wesley et offre un verre de sang à Angel, gêné de cette attention. Elle le rassure en lui rappelant qu'ils sont en famille. Soudain, Wesley se rend compte qu'il a fait une erreur de traduction : "Shanshu" signfie "la mort et la vie", le cycle des choses. Angel ne va pas mourir, mais en réalité vivre et mourir… dans un temps indéterminé. Cela signifie qu'Angel va redevenir humain.

Chez Wolfram&Hart, Lilah, Holland et Lindsey, le bras en écharpe, s'approchent de la mystérieuse caisse. Holland dit à Lindsey qu'ils auront leur revanche, grâce au contenu de la caisse. Lilah interpelle la créature qu'elle renferme et la rassure : c'est Darla !

(par Emajandra1)


Los Angeles – En pleine nuit

Plan sur la ville de Los Angeles. Il fait nuit. On retrouve Wesley est en train de déchiffrer les rouleaux d'Aberjianes. Dans le bureau d’à côté Cordelia l’observe par l’ouverture.

WESLEY : 'Shanshu'… 'Shanshu'… Mais ça pourrait être 'Shushan'.

CORDELIA : Tu essaies encore de comprendre ce mot ? Pourquoi c'est si long ?

WESLEY : Ah, oui, en effet, entre nous, on se le demande. Les prophéties d'Aberjianes n'ont été transcrites en 4000 ans qu'en une douzaine de langues différentes, dont beaucoup ne sont pas humaines ! On pourrait dire à un phalangoide de me sucer la cervelle. Ça améliorerait peut-être mon modeste rendement.

Cordelia vient rejoindre Angel assit sur une chaise en face de Wes, il lit un livre. Elle s’appuit négligemment sur l’encadrement de la porte et soupire.

CORDELIA : C'est qu'il est nerveux quand il traduit.

WESLEY : C'est un mot clé pivot sur ce qui est prophétisé pour le vampire avec une âme.

CORDELIA : Dépêches-toi de comprendre ce que dit le parchemin sur Angel. Je veux savoir ce qu'on dit sur moi. Est-ce qu'il y a une torride romance dans mon avenir ? Une méga fortune ? Si j'y suis forcée, je suis même d'accord pour devenir célèbre.

WESLEY : C'est un texte sacré ancien, pas un porte bonheur. Wesley reprend sa loupe et son crayon, puis retourne au déchiffrage du texte.

CORDELIA : Personne n'aime mon humour.

ANGEL :  Moi, ça m'a fait rire.



Exterieur – Devant chez Angel Investigation

Zoom sur un panneau directionnel se trouvant à l'extérieur de l'immeuble, où habite et travaille Angel, pour indiquer les numéros où se trouvent les diverses sociétés, dont Angel Investigations, qui se trouve au numéro 103. Quelqu'un vêtu d'une cape entre dans l'immeuble.

CORDELIA voix off : Dites voir ? Vous vous rappelez l'avocat qui voulait tellement partir de chez Wolfram & Hart ?


Retour dans le bureau

ANGEL : Lindsey ?

CORDELIA : Ils l'ont promu récemment.

Elle tourne le journal vers eux pour que Wes et Angel puissent observer la page.

CORDELIA: Il est associé maintenant.

WESLEY : Après ce que tu as fait pour lui. Il a vendu son âme pour une trentaine de pièces d'argent.

CORDELIA : En fait, il l'a vendue pour un salaire à six chiffres avec une part sur les bénéfices.

WESLEY : Je suis extrêmement déçu. Il avait l'occasion de changer.

ANGEL : Il l'a ratée. 

Zoom sur Angel qui semble contrarié. Cependant il reprend sa lecture, tentant de reprendre la ou il en était resté. Mais il relève les yeux comme perturbé par quelques choses.  Wesley le remarque.

WESLEY :  Quoi ?

Cordelia a son tour observe Angel intrigué.

ANGEL : Il est un peu tard pour les visites.

Angel se lève, puis se rend dans le hall. Cordy et Wesley le suivent. La personne couverte de la cape est vue de dos. Angel lui donne une légère tape sur l'épaule avec sa hache, la personne laisse échapper un cri.

X : Oh ! Ah !

La personne se recroqueville et souffle pour reprendre ses esprit et se retrouve doucement vers Angel.

ANGEL : M. Nabbit ?

CORDELIA : David ?

NABBIT : Oh ouais ! Oh, le Cœur… le cœur bat trop vite.

ANGEL : Non, non, je ne voulais pas…

NABBIT : Non, j'ai… j'ai jamais eu aussi peur. On pourrait la refaire ?

WESLEY : Vous voulez… notre aide, je suppose ?

NABBIT : Moi ? Non. Je suis là pour passer le temps. J'ai séché mon conseil d'administration pour faire un jeu de rôle. Je suis le Maître ! Chouette ma cape, hein ?

CORDELIA : Eblouissante.

NABBIT : Merci. Vous voulez jouer ?

David regarde autour de lui comme fasciné. Il pénètre dans le bureau de Angel.

NABBIT : Oh, mais… Oh, la, la ! C'est la pièce où ça se passe ? Un désespéré, il souffre. Il n'a plus personne vers qui aller.

Angel pose sa hache sur les armoires de l'entrée et observa Nabbit du regard comme s’il ne comprenait pas un mot de ce qu’il racontait.

NABBIT : C'est pour ça qu'il vient. Il boit de ce café. Il s'assied sur ce canapé. Il a une bande de monstres assoiffés de sang à ses trousses.

Cordy, Wes et Angel sont muet, ils observent et écoute attentivement sans rien osé dire. Nabbit reprend son souffle et baisse la tête un peu triste.

NABBIT : Moi, qu'est-ce que j'ai fait aujourd'hui ? J'ai mis au point une messagerie numérique, gagné quelques millions de dollars. Bon d'accord, plusieurs. Ça change quoi, franchement ?

Cordy lui jette un regard envieux. Elle grimace même avant de lâcher avec un air un peu désespéré.

CORDELIA : On s'habille plus au dépôt-vente ?

NABBIT : Alors que… alors que vous autres, vous avez… des vies si… si pleines, si riches, si excitantes… à combattre les démons ! A n'importe quel moment, un démon peut franchir votre porte !

Les trois amis se tournent vers la porte, avec espoir, comme pour démontré le calme qui reigne chez eux. Puis ils reportent leur attention sur Nabbit. Après un long silence celui-ci lève la tête vers eux et demande :

NABBIT : Vous en avez vu des sympas dans le coin ?


Extérieur – Parc devant chez Wolfram & Hart

Dehors, il fait nuit. On se retrouve dans un parc, entouré d’arbustes et des voix résonnent dans la nuit. Deux moines sont en train de faire une incantation, tout en traçant un cercle avec une poudre blanche entre quelques arbres.

MOINES : Cette terre sainte est prête à le recevoir. Son moment est venu car comme il est écrit, lui qui est pures ténèbres, obscurité, sortira dans la lumière.

Le sol se met à trembler. Le cercle prend feu, les flammes montent vite et haut. Quelques choses apparaissent au centre de ce cercle. Un personne de première abord, portant un casque métallisé, couvrant une grand parti de son visage apparait alors que les flammes se font moins virulentes. Il sort du cercle et on peut apercevoir que c’est surement un démon. Il s’avance lentement et on aperçoit que ce sont les avocats de Wolfram et Hart qui l’attendent. Holland, Lindsey et Lylah ont l’air nerveux. Il dépasse les deux moines et se poste devant les trois avocats.

HOLLAND : Bienvenue chez Wolfram & Hart. J'espère que vous avez fait bon voyage.

Le démon passe à côté d'eux en les ignorants. Les moines lui emboitent le pas et se dirigent vers Wolfram & Hart. Lylah et Lindsey échangent un regard. Après quelques secondes les trois avocats les suivent sans un seul mot.




Angel Investigation – Nuit

Dans le bureau de Angel, les trio observent toujours Nabbit sans comprendre ce qu’il fait là. Il est toujours installé dans le canapé avec un grand sourire.

NABBIT : Vous, vous trois… Ah… Vous… vous ne savez jamais ce qui va se passer, c'est vrai. Ça c'est…

Il s’interrompt et se lève rapidement.

NABBIT : J'étais content de vous voir.

ANGEL : Nous aussi.

CORDELIA : C'était sympa.

WESLEY : Repassez un de ces jours.

NABBIT : Oui, à bientôt !

WESLEY : Ça y est. Je viens de comprendre.

CORDELIA : Que c'est un type richissime qui s'ennuie à mourir ? Que la vie est trop nulle ?

WESLEY : Non. Le mot sur le rouleau.

Il retourne dans le bureau de Angel rapidement suivit de près par Cordy et Angel.

CORDELIA : Le truc du 'chat-chien' là ?

WESLEY : 'Shanshu'.

Angel s'assied, et reprend sa lecture.

WESLEY : S'il ne vient pas du Phygian, mais qu'il descend au contraire des anciens Magyars, sa racine serait plutôt 'phyna' ou 'guerrienne'. Et la signification de ce mot est…

Wes s’arrête subitement et observe le livre sans vraiment comprendre.

CORDELIA : Quoi ? On attend !

WESLEY : La mort.

CORDELIA : Mais, le parchemin concerne bien le vampire qui a une âme.

Wes lève les yeux vers Cordy et ils se tournent tous les deux vers Angel qui lui ne semble pas plus perplexe que cela.

CORDY : Angel va mourir ?

ANGEL : Oh. Et quoi d'autre ?

CORDELIA : On peut dire qu'il le prend bien. L'instant est bien choisi pour parler de mon augmentation ?

WESLEY : Ça arrivera dans bien des années, après de nombreuses batailles.

CORDELIA : Qu'on m'augmentera ?

WESLEY : Les prophéties apocalyptiques ne sont pas une science. Elles sont souvent à côté de la plaque, alors… aucune… raison de s'inquiéter.

Alors que Wes tente de prendre les choses du bon côté malgré le fait qu’on sent l’inquiétude et la tristesse dans sa voix. Angel lui reste impassible.

ANGEL : Mmm.

WESLEY : D'ailleurs, tu as l'air très détaché. Tu ne te sens même pas concerné ?

Angel a un sourire sur le visage et lève les yeux vers Wes. Mais au même moment il voit Cordy et se redresse précipitamment pour la rattraper avant qu’elle ne chute. Elle a une vision. Il la retient et l’installe dans le fauteuil le plus proche.

ANGEL : Doucement ! Détend toi !

Cordy émet quelques cris de douleur. Dans la vision on voit une vieille femme se défendre.

CORDELIA : Mal ! Un cachet !

WESLEY : Un démon prend des cachets, il a mal.

CORDELIA : Donne-moi un cachet !

Elle regarde Wes avec un regard furieux et se tient la tête.


ANGEL : Détends-toi Cordelia.

CORDELIA : Une femme. A en juger par le sac en plastique sur sa tête, une sans-abri, je suppose. Elle affronte un démon poisseux.

ANGEL : Où ça ?

CORDELIA : Il y avait une atroce puanteur. C'est sûrement le démon poisseux. Yerk ! Il sévit derrière l'usine de retraitement à El Segundo.

ANGEL : J'connais !

Angel a déjà attrapé sa veste et est en chemin vers la sortie.

WESLEY : Tu as besoin…

ANGEL : Non, reste ! Occupe-toi d'elle !

Wes sort quelques cachets de la boite et prépare un verre d’eau pour Cordy.

CORDELIA : Y'en a marre de souffrir de ces saletés de visions d'horreur !

WESLEY : Tiens.

CORDELIA : Merci. Si je tombe sur les Puissances Supérieures, je leurs balance un magnifique pain dans le ventre !

Wes se retient de sourire et la regarde avec sympathie.

CORDY : Tu crois qu'elles ont un ventre ?


Nuit - Wolfram et Hart

VOCAH : Vous avez perdu le rouleau d'Aberjianes ?

HOLLAND : Le manuscrit a été volé dans notre coffre.

VOCAH : La résurrection ne peut se faire sans le rouleau.

LILAH : Nous en avons conscience.

LINDSEY : J'ai commis une énorme erreur. Je veux la réparer.

VOCAH : Vous ne ferez rien. Je vais récupérer le rouleau moi-même. Qui l'a volé ?

HOLLAND : Angel.

VOCAH : Angel ! On m'a convoqué pour la résurrection. Le seul rite qui aurait ramené cette créature enfin vers nous, qui devait l'arracher aux Puissances d'en Haut… et c'est lui qui a le rouleau.

LILAH : Nous sommes conscients de l'ironie de la situation.

VOCAH : Il est en possession des Prophéties. Sa dévotion aux Puissances Supérieures est absolue.

LILAH : Il est certain qu'il n'a pas pu étudier le texte en entier.

VOCAH : Non, et il ne le pourra pas. Toutes les voies d'accès aux Puissances Supérieures seront fermées pour lui, et le rouleau de parchemin nous reviendra.

LINDSEY : Pouvons-nous vous aider ?

VOCAH : Non, je n'ai besoin de personne. Vocah quitte la pièce énervée suivit par ses deux moines laissant Lindsey sans voix.

HOLLAND : Eh bien, la discussion est close.


Los Angeles – En pleine rue

Les sirènes et les gyrophares de police déchirent la nuit. Alors que deux officiers regardent une voiture de patrouille arrivée. Ils sourient en apercevant Kate sortir de sa voiture.

OFFICIER 1: Tiens, je t'avais dit qu'elle viendrait. Elle guette les appels des cinglés à la radio.

OFFICIER 1 : T'es sûr qu'elle branche pas sa radio sur son propre cerveau ?

Kate s’avance vers eux et les détaille du regard.

OFFICIER 1: Lieutenant. Selon le rapport, on aurait entendu des, je cite : "De drôles de plaintes, et des hurlements inhumains".

OFFICIER 2: L'appel faisait état d'une espèce de chose visqueuse qui enlevait une pauvre vieille.

KATE : Je sais, j'ai entendu. Restez-là.

Sans faire attention aux deux hommes, elle passe à côté d’eux et s’éloigne vers la ruelle.

OFFICIER 1: Vous ne voulez pas qu'on vous file un petit coup de main ?

OFFICIER 2: Ou alors, une camisole ?

Kate se retourne vers eux et ralentit le pas. Elle leur jette un regard chargé de dédain et reprend son chemin vers le fond de la ruelle sans dire un mot. Les deux hommes restent silencieux mais esquisse un sourire moqueur.

Alors qu’elle s’enfonce dans la rue sombre, elle entend une femme qui pousse des gémissements. Inquiète elle ramène sa main à la ceinture pour tâter son arme. Elle prévoit l’intervention et continue d’avancer, prudente. Au loin on reconnait une voix :

ANGEL : Détendez-vous, c'est fini, tout va bien. Vous n'avez rien. Vous êtes sous le choc.

Angel apparait dans la ruelle, tenant une femme a bout de bras. L’aidant à marcher. Kate fronce les sourcils et range son arme.

VIEILLE FEMME : Vous voyez, dès qu'on a le dos tourné, ils viennent vous prendre. Ils sont malins.

ANGEL : C'est fini. Vous ne craignez plus rien.

VIEILLE FEMME : Oui, il a son compte. Vous l'avez mis en morceaux.

Kate croise les bras devant elle comme ils viennent dans sa direction.

VIEILLE FEMME : Il m'a sauvée. Un de leurs espions a failli m'emmener. Et puis au fait… j'en ai marre que le service de l'hygiène soit après moi comme ça.

La vieille passe à côté de Kate en râlant et continue son chemin sans demandé son reste. Angel se retrouve face à Kate, il est gêné. Elle semble furieuse, contrarié.

ANGEL : Bonsoir.

KATE : C'était quoi ?

ANGEL : Il ne fera plus de mal à personne.

KATE : Qu'est-ce que c'était ?

ANGEL : Un démon poisseux.

KATE : Génial. Je vois que cette ville a tout ce qu'il faut. Démons, sorciers, vampires…

Elle lance un regard emplit de colère à Angel.

ANGEL : Ecoutes, je sais que ce n'est pas facile pour toi. C'est normal. Il est très dur d'affronter une telle réalité. Mais il faut peut-être penser que…

Kate se met à glousser mais dans le son de sa voix on sent le dédain.

KATE : Désolée. C'est… c'est parce que toi, tu n'es même pas un être humain, mais tu me fais la morale. C'est assez cocasse, non ? La réalité, je l'affronte. Et que mes collègues se moquent de moi, je m'en fiche. Ils peuvent penser ce qu'ils veulent. Ce qui compte désormais, c'est débarrasser la ville de ton espèce.

ANGEL : Mon espèce.

KATE : Oui, ton espèce. Celle qui a tué mon père. Tu croyais que j'avais oublié, peut-être ? Non, je n'oublie rien du tout.

Kate lance un dernier regard à Angel plein de rancœur et se retourne le laissant planté au milieu de la ruelle. Angel la regarde un instant ne sachant pas comment réagir à cela puis s’en va à son tour.

Kate voice over: "Angelus. A particularly brutal bastard by all accounts."

Darla: "They gave you a soul, a filthy soul! NO!"
Angel: "Darla."
Darla: "You're disgusting!"

Kate: "What are you?"
Angel: "There are some things in this world you are just not ready to face."

Lindsey: "If you continue to harass our client then - we will be forced to bring you into the light of day. A place I'm told is not all that healthy for you."

Lindsey: "I need your help. I want out."

Lindsey: "If I get myself killed - that will convince you I've changed."
Angel: "It's a start."

Holland: "What I'm offering you, Lindsey, is the world."

Angel steals the scroll from the vault.
Wesley: "Is there a reason you took this?"
Angel: "I don't really know."

Wesley: "The prophecies of Aberjian. - - There is an entire passage - about you."

Wesley is researching while Angel is reading a book and Cordy is reading the paper.
Wesley: "Shanshu. - Shanshu. - Or maybe it's shushan."
Cordy: "Are you still trying to figure out that word? What's taking so long?"
Wesley: "Gee, I don't know, Cordelia. The prophecies of Aberjian were only written over the last 4000 years, in a dozen different languages, some of which aren't even human! Why don't we just get a Falanjoid demon in here, suck the brain out of my skull. Maybe that would speed things up."
Cordy: "He sure gets testy when he's translating."
Wesley: "This word is pivotal to what it prophesies about the vampire with a soul."
Cordy: "Well, hurry up and figure out what it says about Angel, because - I wanna know what it says about me. If there is torrid romance in my future - massive wealth? If I have to I'll settle for enviable fame."
Wesley: "This is an ancient sacred text, not a magic eight ball."
Cordy: "Nobody gets my humor."
Angel: "I thought it was funny."
Cordy: "Hmm."

The camera pans by a sign out in the entrance to Angel's building:
Directory: Casas Manufacturing 101 - Angel Investigations 103 - John Folger, DDS 104 - Herbert Stein 105.
A figure wearing a hooded cape moves past.

Cordy: "Hey guys? Remember born-again lawyer-boy who wanted out of Wolfram & Hart so bad?"
Angel: "Lindsey?"
Cordy: "They just promoted him. - Junior partner."
Wesley: "After all you did for him - he sells his soul for thirty pieces of silver."
Cordy: "Actually he sold it for a six-figure salary and a full benefits package."
Wesley: "It's disappointing. He had an opportunity to change."
Angel goes back to reading his book: "He didn't take it."
Angel freezes then looks up.
Wesley: "What?"
Angel: "Little late for visitors."
Angel gets up and goes out into the outer office. Cordy and Wesley follow.
Cut to the hooded figure shown form behind. Angel taps it on the back with his battle ax and it cowers down letting out a scream.
Angel: "Mr. Nabbit?"
Cordy: "David?"
Nabbit: "Heart - heart - heart my throat."
Angel: "I'm sorry. I didn't - I didn't mean to..."
Nabbit: "No, that was awesome. Can we do it again?"
Wesley: "Are you - do you need help?"
Nabbit: "Me? No. I just popped by to hang. I blew off my board of directors 'cause tonight's my turn to be dungeon master. What do you think of my cape?"
Cordy: "Shiny."
Nabbit: "You guys wanna hang? (Looks past Angel into the office) Oh, wow. Wow, wow. (Enters the office and gives a whistle) This is where it all happens. They're helpless - in agony - they have no one to turn to so they - come here to you. - Drink that coffee - sit on this couch. (sits down) - Unspeakable fiends from hell hot on their heels. (Everyone looks at him silently) Ah, what did I do? Spun off my digital pager network, made a few more million. (Everyone just stares) Alright, several. - Big whoop! What does that mean?"
Cordy: "No more shopping in the Pennysaver?"
Nabbit: "It's just you guys, - your lives are so meaningful - so exciting. You fight demons! At any moment one could walk right through that very door! (Everyone looks over at the door then they turn back to look at Nabbit) - - You guys seen any cool demons lately?"

Cut to two monks chanting and a white circle between some trees.
Chanting: "This hallowed ground is made ready. His time is at hand. For as it is written he of pure darkness shall come into the light."
The ground trembles, the circle flames up high. Through the flames we see a face, covered down to its mouth by a bronze-colored mask and framed by the hood of a cloak. He steps from the circle and walks past the two monks to where Lindsey, Lilah and Holland are waiting in front of their office building.
Holland: "Welcome to Wolfram & Hart. I hope you had a pleasant journey?"
The demon walks past them without a word and the three lawyers follow.


Back to where we left Angel and Co. standing silently in front of Nabbit sitting on the couch.
Nabbit: "You guys - I, - never know what's going to happen around here. That’s... (Gets up abruptly and walks out) Okay. Good to see you."
Angel: "You too."
Cordy: "It was fun."
Wesley: "Drop by again."
Nabbit: "We'll hang soon."

Wesley after a beat: "I think I know what it means."
Cordy: "A very wealthy man with just - no life at all?"
Wesley: "No. The word in the scroll."
He goes into Angel's office and the others follow.
Cordy: "That shoe shine thing?"
Wesley: "Shanshu."
Angel sits down and resumes reading his book.
Wesley: "If it isn't Phygian but instead descends from the ancient Magyar's then its root is proto-Ugaric. In which case it would mean..."
Cordy: "What?"
Wesley at his book: "Death."
Cordy: "But you said it was all about the vampire with the soul. (Wesley looks at her then they both look at Angel, who is reading his book as if he hadn't even heard Wesley) Angel's going to die?"
Angel glances up: "Oh. Anything else?"
Cordy: "He certainly took that well. - Is this that opportune time to talk about my raise?"
Wesley: "It's probably years off - ah, after the coming battles."
Cordy: "My raise?"
Wesley: "Apocalyptic prophecies aren't exactly a science. And-and I could be way off the mark, so - no reason to be concerned."
Angel never looking up from his book: "Hmm."
Wesley: "So it's good you're not concerned. - Not - even remotely concerned."
Angel glances from Wesley to Cordy then jumps up to catch her as she has a vision of a blurry lady being attacked.
Angel: "Easy, easy, easy."
Cordy: "Pain - killer."
Wesley: "Painful killer-demon."
Cordy: "Painkiller!"
Wesley: "Oh."
Cordy: "A woman, judging by the plastic bag on her head I'm guessing homeless, versus a slime demon."
Angel: "Where?"
Cordy: "I smelled something awful - that would be the slime demon - Yuck! - who lives behind a waste treatment plant in El Segundo."
Angel turns to leave: "Got it!"
Wesley: "Do you need...?"
Angel: "Nope. Stay here and take care of her."
Cordy: "Enough with the scratch-and-sniff visions!"
Wesley hands her some pain pills: "Here we are."
Cordy: "Ah, thanks. I ever meet these Powers That Be - I'm gonna punch'm in the nose! (Wesley tries to suppress a smile)- Do you think they have a nose?"

Cut to Wolfram and Hart.
Vocah: "You lost the scroll of Aberjian?"
Holland: "The scroll was stolen from our vault."
Vocah: "The raising can not be performed without the scroll."
Lilah: "We understand."
Lindsey steps forward: "It was my mistake. I'll rectify it."
Vocah: "You will do nothing. I will retrieve the scroll myself. Who stole it?"
Holland: "Angel."
Vocah: "Angel! I am summoned for the raising - the very thing that was to bring this creature down to us -tear him from the Powers That Be - and he - has the scroll."
Lilah: "We're not unaware of the irony."
Vocah: "He is in the possession of the scroll. His connection to the Powers That Be is complete."
Lilah: "He hasn't had time to make a full study of the text."
Vocah: "No, and he won't. All avenues to the Powers shall be cut off from him and the scroll returned to us."
Lindsey: "What can we do to help?"
Vocah: "You can leave it to me."
Vocah and the two monks leave the room.
Holland: "Well - end of discussion?"

Two police officers watch as a police car drives up with lights and siren going. Kate Lockley gets out of the car.
1.Officer: "Told you she'd show. She listens to the nut-calls on her scanner."
2.Officer: "Sure she doesn’t pick up the radio waves on her brain chip?"
Kate steps up to them.
1.Officer: "Detective. According to the report there was a lot of, quote, otherworldly howling and wailing."
2.Officer: "The call said something about something slimy dragging a homeless woman away."
Kate: "I heard the call. Stay here."
1.Officer: "Don't you want some backup, detective?"
2.Officer: "Or a Ouija board?"
Kate gives them a look but proceeds into the alley without a word.
She hears a woman moaning and a man talking, and puts her hand on her gun. Angel and the homeless woman come around a corner.
Woman: "See what they do? You turn your back and they come for you."
Angel: "You're safe now."
Woman: "Yeah, you killed him. Sliced him up real good. (Kate takes her hand off her gun and fold her arms in front of her as they come up to her.) He saved me from one of their spies. And by the way - I don't appreciate the dental association watching me like that."
Woman walks past Kate and keeps on going while Angel stops.
Angel: "Hi."
Kate: "What was it?"
Angel: "It's okay. It won't hurt anyone else."
Kate: "What was it?"
Angel: "Slime demon."
Kate: "Gee, this town has everything, doesn't it? Demons, fiends, vampires..."
Angel: "Look, I know this hasn't been easy for you. It's okay most people can't handle what's really out here, Kate. Maybe you should think about..."
Kate laughs.
Kate: "Sorry. It's just someone who's not even a person lecturing me on 'most people,' it's kind of funny. - I can handle it fine. - And I don't care about most people and what they think of me. - What I do care about it ridding this city of your kind."
Angel: "My kind."
Kate: "Your kind. The kind that killed my father? Did you think I would just forget about that? - I don't forget anything."
Kate turns and walks back the way she came. Angel looks after her for a moment then turns and leaves as well.

Next day. Wesley is sitting in front of Angel's desk in the office and closes the book in front of him.
Wesley: "Death. (He gets up and walks into the outer office to sit down across from Cordelia) Every source says it's death."
Cordy: "Well, it's just a prophecy. It's not like it came from on high."
Wesley: "That's what a prophecy is, Cordelia."
Cordy: "Alright. Yeah, but Angel faces death all the time - just like a normal guy faces waffles and French-fries. It's something he faces every day like - lunch. - Are you hungry?"
She gets up to get a doughnut.
Wesley: "The fact that his death is prophesied - which isn't good news - doesn't concern me nearly as much as the way he took that news."
Cordy: "What? He didn't scream like a girl as some of us would have? (Sits back down) Angel's cool."
Wesley: "Angel's cut off. Death doesn't bother him because - there is nothing in life he wants! It's our desires that make us human."
Cordy eating her doughnut: "Angel is kind of human. - He's got a soul."
Cordy goes for another doughnut.
Wesley: "He's got a soul - but he's not a part of the world. (Gets up) He-he can never be part of the world."
Cordy: "Because he doesn't want stuff? - That's ridiculous. (Wesley takes her doughnut away from her) Hey! I want that!"
Wesley: "What connects us to life?"
Cordy: "Right now? I'm going with doughnuts."
Wesley: "What connects us to life is the simple truth that we are part of it. - We live, we grow, we change. - But Angel..."
Cordy: "Can't do any of those things. - Well, what are you saying, Wesley? - That Angel has nothing to look forward to? That he's going to go on forever, the same, in the world, but always cut off from it?"
Wesley: "Yes."
Cordy: "Well, that sucks! We've got to do something. We've got to help him."
Wesley: "I'm not sure we can."
Cordy: "What is your deal? You go around boring everyone with your musty scrolls and then you say there is nothing we can do?"
Wesley: "He is what he is."
Cordy: "He's Angel. He's good. And he helps the helpless and now - he's one of them. - Well, he's gonna have to start wanting things from life, whether he wants to or not!"
Angel comes up the elevator and Cordy and Wesley go into his office to greet him.
Angel: "Morning."
Cordy: "Morning. - Want some coffee?"
Angel: "No, thanks."
Cordy: "How about a doughnut? Chocolate..."
Angel looking through a book: "No."
Cordy: "Creamy fillings?"
Angel laughs a little as he looks at her: "No. I don't want anything. (Cordelia makes a sound and looks at Wesley) Am I supposed to know what this is about?"
Wesley: "We - were just discussing how - you don't - want that many things."
Cordy: "You're cut off from life. But don't worry, I'm gonna help you with that."
Angel: "Oh. Good."
Cordy: "We'll start small. Keep it simple. - How would you like a puppy? (Angel just looks at her) Right. - A Ficus? They're low maintenance. - Ant farm?"
Wesley: "I have to go."
Angel: "Where are you going?"
Wesley: "Rare book shops. I need references to translate the - prophecy. - Probably not a good idea to take the scroll with me."
Angel: "No. I'll lock it up downstairs in the weapons cabinet."
Wesley: "Angel - I hope I'm wrong about all this but - it might be a good time to consult the Oracles."
Angel: "I don't need to see the Oracles about this."
Wesley: "Well, think about it."
Wesley leaves.
Cordy: "Oracles. - Get out of the house. - Could be fun."
Angel turns and goes back down the elevator.

Cut to the chamber of the Oracles.
Woman: "How dare you enter this sacred space."
Man: "Who do you think you are?"
Woman: "We do not appreciate being summoned by a lower being."
Man: "Who knows no better than to come here on a whim."
Vocah: "I'm not here on a whim."
Woman: "We do not council your kind. The powers of darkness are not allowed to cross this threshold. How did you get in?"
Vocah: "The old order passes away and the new order's come. He that was first shall now be last and he that was dead shall now arise."
Woman: "Yes, and he that is trespassing shall now depart."
Vocah puts a hand behind his back.
Man: "We shall speak no more."
A battle scythe grows in Vocah's hand.
Vocah: "Yes - I know."

Cordy is walking through an open market. Picks up a set of paints.
Woman: "Do you paint?"
Cordy: "Oh, no. I was just looking for something for a friend. I thought maybe if he had a hobby... - He's a little detached from things."
Woman: "Well, they say art is the best therapy for that."
Cordy: "Really?"
Woman: "Sure, they use it in mental institutions all the time. You get the patients drawing and working with clay - helps them to get back in touch."
Cordy: "Well, he is not crazy or anything. He's - just different?"
Woman: "Depressed."
Cordy: "Well, he wears a lot of black. - How much are these pastels?"
Woman: "Oh, these are on special. You get the entire set, the large one, and some drawing paper and little pop-up easel..."
Her voice fades as the camera moves away into the crowd - to show Vocah walking by himself.
(Close Captioning has:
Woman: "...all for thirty four bucks."
Cordy: "Awesome!"
Woman: "Yeah."
Cordy: "Okay. Oh, like this? This... Is this the pop-up?"
Woman: "Uh-huh.")
Woman hands Cordy two big bags.
Woman: "I think you have everything he'll need and then some. You made my day. Thanks."
Cordy: "You're welcome.
Woman: "You must be really good friends."
Cordy: "Yeah. Thank you."
Woman: "Take care."
Cordy: "Bye."
As Cordy walks away Vocah passes her from behind his hand brushing lightly against hers. Cordy looks around but doesn't see anything. She starts to walk on when she get hit by a short vision. She pulls out her cell phone, but before she can dial out she gets hit by another stronger vision. This one doesn't end, and she falls to the ground screaming.
The art lady comes over and crouches down beside her and screams for someone to dial 911.

Cut to Angel's building - night. Vocah walks into Angel Investigations.
Cut to Angel walking down the steps to his apartment, studying the scroll. He rolls it up and locks it into the weapons cabinet. Senses something and turns back to the cabinet when the phone rings.
Angel: "Hello? - Yeah, what happened to her? - I'm her employer. - She doesn't have any family in town. What happened? - I'm on my way."
Hangs up the phone and hurries out, snagging his coat on the way.
Vocah walks in, breaks open the weapons cabinet, takes the scroll, puts something in its place, and closes it again.

Cut to Angel running down a hospital corridor. Stops at the nurse's station.
Angel: "I'm looking for Cordelia Chase."
Nurse: "She is ah, the doctor is with her. If you'll just have a seat over there... (Angel hears Cordy scream and hurries on) Wait! You have to let the doctor handle this!"
Cordelia is convulsing on a bed.
Doctor: "Try another five mil of Ativan."
Angel comes in the room.
Doctor: "Hey, you can't be in here."
Angel: "What happened?"
Doctor: "Are you family?"
Angel: "Yes!"
Doctor: "They brought her in a few hours ago. I'm not sure what happened."
We get a flash of the vision Cordy is seeing.
Doctor: "Does she have a history of mental illness?"
Angel: "No."
Doctor: "Does she use drugs?"
Angel: "No."
Doctor: "Well, she is having a psychotic episode. We've done a CAT scan. There is no organic damage that we can see, but we can't seem to sedate her."
Angel: "Cordelia, can you hear me? - Cordelia! (More vision flashes) Cordelia!"
Doctor: "We're trying a number of different drug therapies. Do you know if she has any allergies?"
Angel: "I don't think so. Drugs won't help her."
Doctor: "Well, something better. I need to inform you, if we don't find a way to stop it..."
Angel looks from the convulsing Cordy to the doctor and back.

Cut to Wesley walking into the office carrying books. He goes downstairs and sees the broken lock on the weapons cabinet. He puts the books down and opens it slowly, then starts to back away.
Angel pulls up across the street and gets out of his car. When he is halfway across, a fiery blast coming form the lower story lifts him into the air. He lands in a heap on the road while flames engulf the building and car alarms start blaring all along the street.

Angel runs into his burning apartment form the parking garage.
Angel: "Wesley! - Wesley! - Wesley! Wes! Wes!"
He sees Wesley laying on the stairs leading up. He checks for a pulse.
Angel: "Wes. Wesley."
He slings Wesley over his shoulder and heads out.
Cut to fire engines and police in front of the building. Wesley, wearing an oxygen mask is being wheeled over to an ambulance with Angel walking beside him. He watches as they load him up, the starts for his car.
Kate: "Never a dull moment with you around, is there."
Angel: "I have to go."
Kate: "Who the hell do you think you are? You are a major witness to a major crime scene. You are not going anywhere."
Angel: "You want to try and stop me, Kate?"
Kate: "I'm glad we are not playing friends anymore. And I'm real sick and tired of your attitude. There is a thing called the law!"
Angel: "This isn't about the law, this is about a little thing - called life. Now I'm sorry about your father. But I didn't kill your father. And I'm sick and tired of you blaming me - for everything you can't handle! You want to be enemies? Try me."
Angel hurries past her to his car while she looks after him.

Cut to a nurse trying to restart a patient's heart with electro-shock.
Nurse: "Clear! - Okay, I got him back."
The camera pans over to another bed and an unconscious and battered Wesley. His heart monitor is beeping regularly.
The camera pans to show Angel standing beside his bed watching him. After a moment Angel turns and the camera shows him walking into another wing and to Cordelia's bed.
Cordelia is sedated, so she is no longer convulsing, but she still has permanent visions.
Angel takes hold of her left hand and leans on the bed.
Angel: "Cordelia - I'm gonna fix this. - Promise. - I'm gonna get you back. - I need you back."
He looks as he lets go of her hand and notices a black symbol on the back of it.

Cut to Angel holding a piece of paper with the symbol on it as he does the spell to get to the Oracles.
Angel: "I come before the Oracles for guidance and direction. I beseech access to the knowing ones."
The doorway opens with a blinding flash of light.
Angel stumbles into the chamber of the Oracles, blinking his eyes and sees the Oracles lying on the floor, dead, Vocah's bloody scythe still buried in the woman's body.
A ghostly image of the woman appears beside him.
Woman: "It's unfortunate. Things are unraveling. The dark ones broach our temples now."
Angel: "Can you help me?"
Woman: "I can't stay long. I've been dead a while. So far I don't like it."
Angel: "My friend who gets the visions..."
Woman: "Is in trouble. It's his mark, the one who did this."
Angel: "Who? Who did this?"
Woman: "Vocah. Warrior of the underworld. He wants you weak. So he opened her mind to all the ones who cry out in pain and need. She doesn't have long either."
Angel: "How can I stop it?"
Woman: "The sacred scroll of Aberjian is now in Vocah's possession. The scroll is what you need."
Angel as she fades: "Wait."
Woman: "Find the scroll. The words of Anatole, only they can remove the mark and save your friend."
Angel: "Tell me where to find him. I'll repay him for what he did here."
Woman: "He is here for the raising."
Angel: "The raising?"
Woman: "Like so many of them he hides behind man's law. Stop him."
She fades.
Angel: "I will."
Angel grabs the scythe and leaves.

Cut to Milano's Italian Kitchen, outside, night.
Gunn and some of his gang are loading boxes of leftovers into the back of their truck.
Gunn: "This is good. A lot of hungry people are going to appreciate this. You are doing god's work here. If god was a busboy he'd look just like you Jesus. Toss it up, brother. Alright!"
We hear car tires screeching.
Gunn: "Yo, yo, heads up!"
He and his gang scramble for their weapons. Angel's convertible come to a screeching stop.
Gunn: "Put them down. I know this fool. (Jumps off the truck and walks to meet Angel) That was entertaining. What you got under that hood."
Angel: "I need your help."
Gunn: "Yeah, well, I figured you didn't roar in here to ask me after my health. It's pretty good, by the way. - You getting enough iron? You look a little pale. - Okay, it's traditional in the human world to humor people who've done favors for you in the past."
Angel: "Your about to do me another one."
Gunn: "Yeah, well, if it's tossing a vampire in with them lawyers, I'm in. Because that was my idea of a good time."
Angel: "My people, they are in the hospital. St. Matthews. One's in ICU, one's in the neuro-psychiatric Unit. They need protection while I hunt down the guy who put them there."
Gunn: "He's gonna come after them himself or is he gonna send someone?"
Angel: "However he comes, he's not gonna get them. These people mean a lot to me."
Gunn: "I'm getting that."

Cut to a crypt. Five vampires are chained to a box sitting in the middle of a five pointed star inside a star laid into the floor. The two monks enter followed by Vocah.
Monks: "We have prepared a holy place in the darkness and anointed it with oil. We have taken of the blood of the living and gathered together the living dead."
Vocah: "As it was written they shall prepare the way and the very gate of hell shall open. That which is above shall tremble (earth trembles) for that which is below shall arise. And the world shall know the beast shall know the world."

A group of people is walking down the steps in front of Wolfram and Hart.
Lilah: "Aren't we going to be late?"
Holland: "You never want to be on time for a ritual, the chanting, the blood rites, they go on forever."
We see Angel peek out from behind a pillar as Lindsey motions to two guys standing in front of a moving van.
Lindsey: "You guys follow us."
Holland to Lindsey: "I know you've covered all the bases here."
Lindsey: "Yes, sir."
Holland: "Senior partners are keeping a close watch on us. We don't want let them down."
Lindsey: "We won't."
Holland gets into the Limo but Lilah turns to Lindsey for a moment before following him.
Lilah to Lindsey: "Remember when Robert Price let the senior partners down and they made him eat his liver? - I don't know what made me think of that."
After a moment Lindsey follows the other two into the back of the limo. Angel watches them drive off, followed by the movers. He gets into his car and trails them.

Cut to Vocah doing the ritual, walking from one point of the star to the next.
Vocah: "Five are without breath."
Monks: "Yet they live."
Vocah: "Five are without time."
Monks: "Yet they live."
The party from Wolfram and Hart enters the crypt.
Vocah: "Five are without soul."
Monks: "Yet they live."
Holland: "They haven't even gotten to the Latin yet."
Vocah: "Five are without sun."
Monks: "Yet they live."
Vocah looks up, then lays the scroll down on top of the crate and walks to face some steps leading down into the crypt.
Lilah: "What is it?"
Holland: "I don't know."
Vocah produces another scythe. A moment later Angel burst through the door at the top of the stairs and the two of them get into a battle of the scythes.
Holland: "Lindsey?"
Lindsey watches the fight between Vocah and Angel for a moment then steps forward into the circle and picks up the scroll.
Lindsey: "Five are dead. - Say it!"
Monks: "Yet they live."
Lindsey speaking Latin. Translation according to RayneFire from the Buffy Shooting Script Website (https://www.mustreadtv.com/buffyscripts):
Lindsey: "Et illi quinque sacrificum est et illi que est mortuus vivet."
Translation: "And the five shall be a sacrifice... and the one who is dead shall live..."
Holland (to Lilah): "Get the movers in here."
Lilah: "Yes, sir."
Lindsey: "Dum vita et mors non duas res sed unas sunt. In tenebris lux est, in luge tenebrae sunt. Serge! Serge! Serge! Serge! Serge! Serge!
Translation: "Even as life and death are not two things but one... in darkness is the light, in light is the darkness. Arise! Arise! Arise! Arise! Arise! Arise!"
The five vampires turn to dust and bones as the earth shakes and a whirlwind begins to spin around the box. The whirlwind sucks the vampire dust and bones into the box, then a ring of light explodes outward throwing Lindsey against the wall. He lands in an unconscious heap on the floor.
Angel and Vocah are fighting on as if nothing had happened. The movers rush in.
Holland: "Get it out of here."
The movers push the box out. Holland throws a quick glance at the unmoving Lindsey then follows the others out of the crypt.
Angel and Vocah are still fighting. Lindsey slowly comes to. He still has the scroll.
Angel finally gets the scythe away from Vocah and pins him up against the wall. He knocks the mask of Vocah's face to reveal a maggot filled hole where his nose should be.
Angel: "Nice."
Angel drives the blade of the scythe into Vocah's chest, killing him.
Behind him Lindsey has made it to his feet and grabs a hold of post topped by a cross and brandishes it in Angel's direction. Angel slowly walks towards him, bloody scythe held loosely in his right hand.
Angel: "Lindsey, give me the scroll."
Lindsey: "That's not gonna happen. It belongs to us."
Angel: "Us. You put your faith in Wolfram and Hart."
Lindsey: "You said I had to make a choice."
Angel: "And you did."
Lindsey: "Yeah. I had a crisis - and I want to thank you for your help with that - but I see things more clearly now."
Angel: "You don't see anything. You don't know what faith is."
Lindsey holds up the scroll: "I see that what happened here tonight was foretold - that doesn't bode well for you. - I see that you are either the one with the power - or you're powerless."
Angel: "Uh-huh. You see what I'm gonna do to you if you don't give me that scroll?"
Lindsey: "You need the words of Anatole to cure your friend. She is your connection to the Powers That Be. And since it's foretold that we sever all your connections (holds the scroll into the flames burning in the urn beside him) well..."
Angel throws the scythe, cutting off Lindsey's hand at the wrist. Lindsey drops the cross and screams as he drops to the ground. He is cradling his bleeding stump against his chest, as Angel goes to retrieve the scroll from the floor beside him.
Angel: "Don't believe everything you're foretold."
Lindsey tries to suppress his screams as Angel walks out.

Cut to Cordelia lying on the hospital bed. Wesley is sitting in a wheelchair beside it with Angel leaning over her bed on the other side.
Wesley: "And if the beast shalt find thee, and touch thee, thou shalt be wounded in they soul - and thou shalt know madness. - The beast shalt attack and cripple thee and thou shalt know neither friend nor family. - But thou shalt undo the beast. Thou shalt find the sacred words of Anatole and thou shalt be restored. - Three times shalt thou say these words: unbind - unbind - unbind."
(Close Captioning gives a different text from what Wesley actually says: "The sins of man shall inflame the earth and bring a great scourge. A fighting beast from hell will arise. The beast shalt attack and cripple thee and shalt poison thee, mind and body, with its mark. But thou shalt undo the beast. Thou shalt take refuge in the holy words of Anatole as handed down to him by the elders. And thou shalt be restored whole. Three times shalt thou say these words: Unbind. Unbind. Unbind.")
Cut to the nurses walking down the corridor. A white flash comes from Cordelia's room and she hurries towards it.
Cordelia blinks her eyes. Angel looks down at her hand. The mark is gone.
Cordy looks up at Angel and he smiles at her.
Angel: "Hey."
Cordy: "Angel?"
Angel: "Welcome back."
Cordy looks over at Wesley.
Nurse: "I'll get Dr. Evans."
Cordy looks back at Angel: "I saw them all. There is so much pain. - We have to help them."
Angel: "We will. (Strokes her cheek) We will."
Cut to a shot of Angel's hand gripping hers tightly.

Cordelia's apartment - day. Cordelia is in the kitchen fixing a sandwich. Goes to the fridge. Pan to Wesley sitting at the living room table, the scroll and books spread out around him. Angel is sitting on a chest against the wall.
Wesley: "Here is something."
Angel: "What is it?"
Wesley: "The beast of Amalfie, a razor toothed six-eyed harbinger of death. No, wait, that's due to arise in 2003 in Reseda."
Angel: "I would have guessed Tarzana."
Cordy set the sandwich and a glass of milk on the table in front of Wesley.
Wesley: "Better cross-reference that."
Cordy goes back into the kitchen and gets a plastic cup filled with blood.
Wesley: "I'm sorry, I don't know what they raised in that box. - I'll keep looking."
Cordy: "You've been looking for two days. You need to relax and charge the brain cells. (Hands him the plate with the sandwich) Here. Eat."
Wesley accepts it and looks over at Angel.
Cordy hands Angel the cup with the blood: "You too. (Angel looks up at her) Don't be embarrassed. We're family."
Angel accepts the cup. Cordy notices Wesley staring at her.
Cordy: "What?"
Wesley: "It's just I... - I'm not used to..."
Angel: "He is not used to the new you."
Cordy: "I know what's out there now. We have a lot of evil to fight, a lot of people to help. - I just hope skin and bones here can figure out what those lawyers raised *sometime* before the prophecy kicks in and - you croak. - That was the old me, wasn't it?"
Angel: "I like them both."
Wesley looking at his books: "Ah - oops. - I may have made a tiny mistake. (Angel sets the cup of blood down and gets up) The word Shanshu that I said meant you were going to die? Actually I think it means that you are going to live."
Cordy: "Okay, as tiny mistakes go - that's not one!"
Wesley: "Shanshu has roots in so many different languages. The most ancient source is the Proto-Bantu and they consider life and death the same thing, part of a cycle, only a thing that's not alive never dies. It's- it's saying - that you get to live until you die. - It's saying - it's saying you become human."
Cordy: "That's the prophecy?"
Wesley: "Ah, the vampire with a soul, once he fulfills his destiny, will Shanshu. Become human. - It's his reward."
Cordy: "Wow. Angel, human."
Angel: "That'd be nice."
Cordy: "Wait. What's that thing about him having to fulfill his destiny first?"
Wesley: "Well, it's saying that it won't happen tomorrow or the next day. He has to survive the coming darkness, the apocalyptic battles, a few plagues, and some - uh, several, - not that many - fiends that will be unleashed."
Angel: "So don't break out the champagne just yet."
Cordy: "Yeah, break out the champagne, Pinocchio. This is a big deal!"
Angel: "I guess it is."
Cordy: "Typical. I hook up with the only person in history who ever came to LA to get older."

Cut to Wolfram and heart - day. Lilah, Holland and Lindsey are entering the vault where the box from the ritual is stored. Lindsey's right arm is in a sling.
Holland: "The senior partners were very impressed with your sacrifice. (Lindsey looks at him) Trust me, we'll even the score with them."
Lindsey: "Yes, we will."
Holland: "Beginning with what's in that box."
Lilah leaning to look in through the bars running along the top of the box: "We are all very pleased you're here. - I know it's a bit confusing - but it's going to be better soon - a lot better, (Camera pans to show a naked woman crouched in one corner of the box) Darla."

Kikavu ?

Au total, 111 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

16.06.2022 vers 23h

01.05.2022 vers 22h

02.10.2021 vers 16h

31.08.2021 vers 09h

07.04.2021 vers 12h

19.02.2021 vers 18h

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Supersympa  (28.02.2023 à 15:16)

On dirait que Lindsey a... perdu la main (au propre comme au figuré). ^^


Merci aux 5 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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